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Being back home was great. Everything was back to normal and there was nothing to worry about except getting all of their stuff from the car back up to Meredith's apartment and finally settling back in to being home. They had spent the last couple of days of their trip at the pool, relaxing on the beach and doing other things on the balcony of their hotel room but they were both glad to finally be home. Derek felt like a load had been lifted of his shoulders and he no longer had a permanent knot in his stomach.

They could go back to their life, going to work and spending time together and not having to walk on eggshells. He knew Meredith was still slightly disappointed at the outcome of the trip. Not that she had wanted to stay there but she wanted to be seen as something other than Ellis Grey's daughter and by staying where they were, she could do that. It was great to be home until they let themselves back into Meredith's apartment and were surprised by the sight of Mark and Lexie on the sofa in Meredith's living room.

"Damn it..." Derek slammed the door, turning around to face the door and Meredith while they waited for Mark and Lexie to cover themselves up.

"Oh my god!" Lexie gasped, pulling back as she reached for a blanket.

"Don't you two knock?" Mark groaned.

"This is her house!" Derek groaned, tossing Mark a pillow that had ended up on the other side of the room.

"It's true...I live here too and Derek and I...we stay in my room...or the shower." Meredith said and then winced. "You didn't want to know that."

"I guess we knew they had a nice time while we were gone." Derek breathed.

"Sorry Derek." Lexie blushed.

"You don't have to apologize....it's your place too." Meredith laughed weakly.

"Now that this little pow wow is over...Lex..." Mark gestured towards her bedroom.

"See ya." Derek couldn't help but laugh slightly, shaking his head.

"Um Derek....my bedroom...now?" Meredith whispered.

"Yeah." He followed her there, closing and locking the door behind them.

"We should get pizza for dinner....if you don't want to cook." Meredith said, not even acting phased.

"And a new sofa."

"Did that bother you?" She giggled.

"Seeing my best friend naked? Not at all."

"That explains so much." Meredith teased.

"And I thought Mark was a little more creative than that." Derek laughed

"Oh I don't want to think of Mark's creativity." Meredith scrunched her nose.

"So we'll just remember the couch." He laughed, kissing her forehead.

"Uh huh."

"I'm glad we're home."

"You are?"


"Me too." She said as she pulled her sweater off, revealing the tan lines on her sunkissed skin from her bikini.



"We just walked in my brother and your sister."

"I know." Meredith winced as she pushed her jeans down. "That was awful."

"Maybe it's time we get our own place." Derek shrugged, sitting on the edge of the bed.

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