I Thought.....

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Arthit's POV ------

"What am I going to do ??

Running my hand through my hair for the 100th time in past 30 or so minutes, I dialed his number again, only to receive a voicemail. My eyes moved to the television as the news stations replayed the horrible pictures and videos of the subway train accident over and over again.

Please, God, let him be okay.....

My phone rang and I immediately picked it up hoping it was him.

"Kong ??"

"No, son, it's me"

I sighed, taking a little comfort in my father's voice, but wishing it were someone else's

"Hey, Dad...."

"Have you heard from Kong yet ??"

Tears stung in my eyes as I shook my head. Realizing that my father couldn't see me, I croaked my answer into the phone


"Stay strong, Arthit. He'll be in touch with you"

Just as he was speaking, I watched on the screen, in utter horror as the video of the train collision with the another train, played.....

I knew Kong was in the first train, he called me when he entered the train and told me he will be home, just in half an hour

I screamed out loud and felt my world crash down around me, much like the train that had just crumbled in a pile of trash and ash.

Without Kong, that's all I would be.....

"Arthit! Are you alright ?? What happened ??"

"Dad, I should get off the phone in case Kong is trying to call me"

"Okay, but please keep us posted. Your mother and I are thinking about both of you and wish we could be there"

"I know dad......Thanks"

"I'll talk to you later, son. I love you"

I took a deep breath and responded in a shaky voice

"I love you too, Dad"

As I hung up the phone, my mind raced. I tried Kong's phone once more and was met, yet again, with his voicemail. Even though I desperately wanted to hear his live voice, the sound of his deep and calm voice, as he asked me to leave a message at the beep brought me a small amount of comfort

I wanted nothing more than to wrap my arms around Kong and hold him tight, gazing into his deep black eyes and feeling my heart flutter when he smile, my favourite crooked smile....

We met the very first day of the Hazing, at Engineering department at SSU. He was a freshman and I was the head Hazer. I hated him and his guts at the start of hazing. He riled my nerves to the verge of explosion and then smiled at me his trademark crooked smile. But as we started to get to know each other, I saw his real personality behind the irritating mask of his so called Hero instincts.

After few weeks, He started to flirt with me, given every chance, without holding anything back. I tried to ignore him at first but he became a constant visitor in my thoughts and dreams. After giving it a deep and thorough thinking, I decided to go with my heart's desire, wanted to give it a chance, whatever we have between us

That night when I gave him my answer at the Rama VII Bridge and we shared our first mind-blowing kiss, something in my gut just told me, HE WAS IT......

He was the one for me

In all honesty, I was quite overwhelmed by it all, because I had never felt anything so intense, before. I was only a 20 year old, young college student, trying to find his way in life to create a better future for myself. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd find the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, before even starting the real life, out of college.

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