Coffee Shop....

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KONG’S POV ----------

I was sitting outside of the coffee shop with my study group. wondering how I got stuck with this particular group of idiots. We were collaborating on a project that was half of my semester grade. I am slowly beginning to realise that I am going to be the one doing all the work, if I valued my GPA.

While I tuned out the bickering going on between them at the table, I closed my eyes and let the breeze blow through my hair. I was thinking about my future life. I was wondering about, what the future holds for me as it has yet to begin to take shape. I am almost done with my college and I am not particularly anxious to be out in the real world. I will be a grown up soon responsible for my upcoming life.…..oh God !!…. I need to stop thinking so much.

I sit up and open my eyes then realise..... nothing is going to be accomplished today and everyone is packing up. I opt to stay behind and enjoy my coffee in silence.

As I am sitting there, I am once again bombarded by this intense longing…...... for what ?? I don’t know.

I turn my head to the side to stretch my neck and that is when I saw....... HIM...... and in that moment I knew what it was I was looking for.

In the intense stare of his beautiful Amber eyes I saw my future. His gaze was burning into my soul and taking root in my heart and I felt like I was about to explode only to realise I had stopped breathing. I closed my eyes for a moment and when I opened them again, he was gone............. and suddenly my body deflated.


The next day I sat outside of the coffee shop again, wondering if that man would return. I studied for hours, enjoying the sun and looking around the café.

This became my pattern for the next several days, I would go to the café from opening till closing time, aside from the hours I was in college, hoping to catch a glimpse of him again. I brought all my homework with me and when that ran out, I had books to read. It was awfully hard to concentrate when you knew your reason for being, was out there somewhere and you didn’t even know his name.

By the end of the week I was almost ready to give up....... maybe he was just passing through, maybe he frequented more than one coffee shop, maybe he worked long hours….... The maybe’s could make me crazy.

I settled into my table and got my work out. I was glad I brought my jacket with me as the cool weather outside matched my dreary mood.

I was working on the project for my history class, lost in thoughts, when I felt it..... The electric current...… He was here and for the first time in my life I felt the sheer terror of the unknown.

If I looked up.........

Would he be looking at me ??

Would he feel the same way I do ??

How could he possibly ??

He didn’t know me...... But I knew what I wanted.......


So I decided......

'Quit being a coward and make it happen !! '

After giving myself a mental pep talk, I looked up....... and there he was. Sitting with his head down so I could actually study him without appearing like a crazed stalker. His jawline was the first thing I noticed. It was angular and chiselled....... and I wanted to run my nose along the underside just to see what he smelled like. His lips were the perfect shade of pink that was a beautiful contrast to his milky white skin. I looked up at his hair and they were the most lovely chocolate colour I had ever seen. They look soft and silky and so damn sexy, I couldn’t wait to run my fingers through them to see just how soft they will feel.

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