The Engagement Party

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"Please wake up.." Jennie said with tears flowing down her cheeks. The sight of her boyfriend in front of her's lifeless and covered with blood makes her unable to breathe due to her continuous panic attacks.

Jennie was asked by one of the paramedics to hold her boyfriend's open wound to stop him from losing blood even more. Every time she looks down, the blood won't stop flowing making her hands full on his blood. When they arrive to the hospital, he was rushed to the emergency ward and Jennie wasn't allowed to enter.

She had lost her phone on the crash site so she wasn't able to let his family and relatives know. The blood on her hands were all dried up as she runs her hands through her hair. "It's all my fault." she whispered softly to herself.

She kept thinking about the incident and how badly in shape he looks. His eyes closed shut and how there was no sign of soul in him. His warm body turned cold and covered with blood. She saw multiple scratches around his body and how blood streams were trickling down from his head. Her ragged breathing become frantic as those pictures kept on flashing in her head, slowly submitting to yet another panic attack--

Jennie gasp as she wakes up from her dream. She looks around to find herself in her bed room. She sigh and allowed herself to calm down. It has been a week since she saw the girls and now she's back to living alone in her penthouse. She heard jazz music were playing from downstairs and slowly gets up from her bed. She didn't remember leaving the music on yesterday and certainly her maid would never play a song while working.

She made her way to the main floor to revealed a man cooking in her kitchen. She stared at him for awhile because he didn't notice her. When he turns around, and jumps in shock. "아...깜짝이야 (ah, you scared me)" He replied while holding a pan.

"How many times have I told you not to come uninvited?" Jennie said while making her way to her fridge. She grabbed her leftover orange juice glass and takes a seat in front of him.

He smiles. "웃어? (are you laughing?)" Jennie said crossing her arms. He looks up to her and gives his infamous smirk

"Isn't that your purpose of letting me know your house passcode?" He said while seasoning the raw steaks displayed in front of them.

Jennie scoffs. "That's not the point-"

He puts his hands up to stop her. "I know I know, it was for emergencies only. God you can't take a joke can you?" He smirks once again. He continues to season the steaks and heat up the stove. Jennie was being serious. She thinks it's an invasion to her privacy, but then again she thought she needed someone to know her passcode just in case something is wrong. She instantly regret letting him know.

"I'm being serious, Tae Hyung-ah. The next time you barged in like this, I won't hesitate to call security on you." Jennie said coldly. She sips on her orange juice and winced at the sourness.

"Oh yeah you kept saying that for a thousandth time and I am still here. And call me Oppa for fucks sakes. I'm older than you, you know?" He smirks and finally puts the steaks to the pan, giving a sizzling sound. Jennie threw a small magazine at his direction in which he dodge.

"Hey! That's not how you should treat your old friend. Where's your manners?" Tae Hyung said while Jennie smiles as she made her way to the couch.

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