Can't Lose You

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Kai woke up to the sun in his eyes and groan softly as he buries his head back in his pillows

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Kai woke up to the sun in his eyes and groan softly as he buries his head back in his pillows. As silence passed, Kai couldn't help but look beside him and find the girl he loves sleeping in her naked form, so quietly. So it wasn't a dream, Kai thought to himself and smiles.

After the intimate activities they had last night, it was evident the girl was tired. They went back quiet late, and Kai felt bad for tiring her when he knows she just landed yesterday. She mentioned she couldn't bare the thought of resting before seeing him when the two have been apart for so long.

Kai gets up from his bed, and makes his way to his kitchen to cook the two breakfast. As he was waiting for the pan to heat up, he takes a look at his apartment and smiles.

Waking up this morning felt different. Maybe because there is someone he's sharing this big space with, that's why he felt less lonely than he was before. He never mentioned it to Jennie during their long distance relationship, but he felt extremely lonely going home after work to an empty space.

Before Jennie, he was used to the feeling. It's not like he's okay with it, it's just something that he couldn't change. He was caught up in work, and did not have time to look for someone to fill the void. Then Jennie came and suddenly he knows how warm it feels to have someone to go home to, someone to greet you and someone to hug you during your tiring days.

When he lost his memories, he felt like he was born again. Not just his personality and memories, but also his feelings. Marco told him to try and meet people, possibly pursue a romantic relationship with them.

The problem was, he was not sure where to start.

It's not like he didn't try, he did put his effort, but he felt nothing. He gave up after quiet sometime, thinking maybe its his fault for being the abnormal one. Even Marco grew tired of introducing him to people because even if he's trying to encourage Kai that he's doing well, another side of him whispers how previous results will repeat itself.

When Kai was invited to witness Chanyeol proposing to his now fiancé, he didn't think he'd met the person he was looking. The one who made his heart beats slightly faster from the moment their eyes first met, the one who kept him on his toes, the person he wants to see and know deeper of. He never felt any of these feelings with the people he met before, and its almost as if his body is controlling him instead of himself.

Kai smiles for the thousandth time this morning.

It was in her cat eyes that mesmerized him, inviting him to be curious of the owner. It was her duality, how mysterious she can be and yet loving whenever she broke out to her gummy smile. It was how soothing her voice can be, yet deep at the same time.

Jennie wasn't just another girl, she was the dream he longed for.

But on the other side, he can't help but think the girl is far from his reach.

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