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Jennie strides her way through the airport as the paparazzi swarms her, asking her for pictures and hoping they'd get a response for their questions.

Jennie never understood why they're ganging up on her when she's just a mere CEO, it's not like she's an idol or an actress who has too many fans to begin with. But she does have to admit, even if it gets hectic and there's crazy flashes blinding her eye sights, she must say it is nice to be recognize for once. Though it gets annoying because she always needs to put her sunglasses on since she's hyper sensitive when it comes to bright lights.

Jennie breathes as she finally made it in the luggage check where the paparazzi are unable to enter. She still see some of them through the window, trying to get a better angle at her and shakes her head. They just can't stop can they? She thought

On the other hand, she is excited because she will be flying in to Milan for the Milan Fashion Week. It's not the first time for her to attend, but this year is extra special because her boyfriend is the designer for one of the most powerful house brand, Gucci.

After Jennie finally caved in and picked up Kai's phone call on that day, she felt the need to make it up to him for being so patient with her. She appreciates him not bombing her with tons of questions or calling her too many times just to have a response. He understands that she needs sometime for herself, and its not like he's not busy too. She was planning to visit earlier months ago, but the recent hiccups they had made her feel the need to fly earlier to see him even more.

Jennie looked at her socials and just when she was about to open Instagram, her phone rings as a sign of a FaceTime call. She smiles when she looks its just her group chat with her girls and decides to login.

"Unnie!!" Jennie laugh when she hear Lisa's voice at the end of the line

"Why do you sound so happy when Jennie pops up? What about me?" Jisoo said

"Girls please don't fight." Jennie said trying to stifle her laughter

"Unnie, are you waiting for your flight?" Rose asked and Jennie nods

"That's so exciting! I can't wait to see you here in Milan!" Rose replied enthusiastically

"But the show's not starting until 3 days, why are you flying in so fast?" Lisa ask

"She's flying to surprise her boyfriend, dumbass." Jisoo sassily replied

"Unnie what's wrong with your attitude today? Did you have your period?" Jennie ask

Jisoo gasp. "Ommo? How did you know?"

"I mean whenever your on your period your target is always Lisa. It's kind of obvious, don't you think?" Jennie chuckle

"Should I change my target to you instead, Jendeuk?" Jisoo ask

Jennie shakes her head. "Ani, I didn't say anything."

"Unnie! You're so mean!" Lisa whines

"But you still don't invite me, Jendeuk. I am disappointed in you." Jisoo pouts

Jennie laughs once again. "You know if you want an invite you can always just ask me, Unnie."

"Where's my invite Unnie?" This time it's Lisa who pouts.

Jennie rolled her eyes while she smiles. "Aigoo, not you too Lisa-ya. Why is everyone up on my ass now?"

"Because you're fun to tease, Jendeuk." Jisoo laughs

"I'm just gonna stay silent and enjoy my popcorn." Rose chimes in

"Then why did you speak?" Lisa sassily replied

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