Seoul Fashion Week

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It has been 6 days since the accident, and Jennie couldn't stand herself laying around in her hospital bed no longer. She had let the doctor know about her upcoming event, and the importance of her appearance on the show. The doctor recommend her not to go, but Jennie's stubborn and won't take no for an answer. She had ask for the quickest way to get her feet back up and the doctor has no choice but to comply 

Her doctor had recommend giving her a bandage wrap to help her move with less pain. Although it might not be efficient, Jennie couldn't care less. He also recommend her to practice walking and take her medication daily, since Jennie insisted on walking instead of using her wheel chair for her ending walk and he had her on elbow crutches. 

Kai was angry at how stubborn she is. He has been visiting Jennie every day after the accident and Jennie couldn't thank him enough. He helped her with her morning walks while Do Yeon is there to fill her in with the show's preparation. It is a big show, and press from all over the world are setting their attention to this event as this is first in history making. Do Yeon filled her in with the list of VIPs invited to the events. Celebrities and also close friends of Jennie are going to be put on front row seats, while others is up to Do Yeon to arrange.

"Don't forget the bouquets and complimentary gifts as well. I'm expecting people posting pictures tomorrow on their Instagram." Jennie said as she holds on to Kai 

She winced in pain again and sighs. "This whole routine's not helping me at all." She huffs 

"And this is what you get when you insist on walking instead." Kai replied 

She rolled her eyes. It has been the 5th time in the past two days that Kai has mentioned the same exact thing to her. Jennie was fed up and had to argue with Kai about his nagging and he couldn't help but to feel offended because he's just looking out for the girl. Eventually, he comes back and apologize. 

"I'll leave you to rest, ma'am. Will that be everything for you?" Do Yeon said and Jennie nods. 

Jennie sits down on her hospital bed and takes her medication right away. She immediately takes her iPad and look around at the reports Do Yeon gave her. She made a few quick calls here and there to make sure everything's okay. Kai's back to retrieve Jennie's lunch and his', but when he saw the sight he grabs her iPad as she frowns. "Hey-"

"Stop working now and eat." He said while opening the bento box for the girl 

Kai knows how busy she is, but he hates how she's ignoring him. If he's not there right now, she'll probably won't even eat for the rest of the day. The girls have visited regularly as well and they also side with him. Jennie didn't realize how starving she is until Kai had given her the meal and she immediately dives in.

"Are you that busy til you don't have time to eat?" Kai said as Jennie nods 

"You've been looking at the same exact thing for 2 days already! Don't you think this is too much?" 

Jennie sigh. "How many times have I told you this is important for me? This is the main event for this years' SFW and I can't let any mistake happening." 

"I know....but you have to take care of yourself too. If it wasn't for me, you'll definitely forgot to eat." Kai said 

Jennie had enough. "And you're not helping! I'm already super stressed with the event and I don't need any additional one coming from you!" 

Kai couldn't believe what he just heard. He had enough of her treating him like this when all he wanted was the best for her. He suddenly gets up from his chair and grabs his stuff. "Where are you going?" He heard her say 

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