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A week had passed ever since the day Jennie witnessed Kai in his episode. Things have started going well between the two of them while figuring out how to deal when another episode of his' comes. Kai has to admit among the years of his episodes' history, he felt like this time he has more control over it. He didn't know why but he thanked it to Jennie for being there when it come and the way she just captured his attention when it happens helped him to forget about the voices in his head. It's as if she is the cure to his problem.

It was hard for the couple at first. Jennie had to wake up in the middle of the night sometimes to find herself alone and Kai repeating his routine, running his mind away with alcohol. It wasn't until Kai talked his feelings out to Jennie that everything starts picking its pace slowly to become better.

While he is struggling with himself, he has to remain professional and finish his task. He finally finishes the last design for Gucci's upcoming Spring Summer collection and had sent it over to Marco for him to evaluate. Marco liked how Kai had designed it in a different way from the usual Gucci style but also still has the Gucci look to it. Kai was thrilled when he heard it and he can't thank Jennie enough for helping him.

While Kai is mostly cooped up in work, Jennie has spent most of her time in the kitchen improving her cooking skills. It's safe to say she improved so much compared to the first time she is cooking, and thanks to Kai's compliment on her successful hang over soup, she grew confident and learns different dishes as well.

"Ci vediamo a Milano, Kai. (I'll see you in Milan, Kai)." Marco said through the screen as he's about to wrap up his video call with Kai

Kai smiles. "A presto. Abbi cura di te, Marco (See you soon. Take care, Marco)." Kai waved then ended the phone call

Kai sighs as he stretched his arms out. He was up from 7am and had to finalize on the list of materials he's going to use for each design and wrapped it up with a video call with Marco to ask for his approval. Kai looks at the clock as it reads 8pm.

He made his way downstairs as he finds Jennie in the kitchen cooking. Kai smiles and slowly made his way to hug Jennie from behind, resting his chin in her neck. Jennie jumped lightly but soon relaxes herself when she knows it's just Kai. He hums. "What are you cooking?"

Jennie smiles. "Aglio Olio pasta...just something easy to make."

Kai snickers. "And here I thought I would never heard you say 'easy' while cooking."

The two laughed. Kai tighten his grip around Jennie then left a small kiss on her shoulder. Jennie rubbed her hands on his, and looks back to see him pouting his lips. She smiles. "I'm almost done, can you just prepare the table?" Kai nods

A couple minutes have passed, and dinner is finally served. They enjoy their food in silence with red wine sitting besides each sides. "You're getting so much better at cooking, baby. I'm so proud of you." Kai said then runs his hands to rub Jennie lightly on her head

Jennie smiles while munching her food. "Are you just saying that so you don't have to cook anymore?"

Kai laughs. "That too, but knowing how terrible you were just makes me appreciate you more. Not everyone can learn how to cook that fast, you know?"

Jennie just smile and eats her food. She sips on her wine and looks at Kai for a bit. She's happy that he's slowly returning to himself after going through so much. Although it comes and goes, but seeing his smile makes her to be more ambitious in protecting him. "I know I'm good looking but you don't have to stare at me like that, Kim Jennie-sshi." Kai said joking as Jennie rolled her eyes while smiling

"How's work? What did Marco said?" Jennie said

"He liked the designs and I just finished with the material list. He approved it and now it's just a matter of me being present in HQ." Kai said as his voice goes quieter by the time he got to the last part

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