My Horizon

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NOTE: I will be adding first POVs to understand the character better. Let me know if you prefer me to write in third POV  or first POV instead. 

Jennie's POV

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Jennie's POV

I don't know why I'm here. 

I've been patient enough listening to this person blabbing about the same proposal for the past 2 years. Can't she take a hint? 

I might be listening and paying attention to this meeting, but I can't seem to stop thinking about Taehyung. 

I can't believe he's really gone from my life. 

I can't believe I did that, because never in my life have I thought of cutting someone from my life. It's always the other way around, and I know it hurts to be the one having no choice. But to see the person you cherished decides to abandon you hurts less to be the one doing it. 

It makes me feel like I'm such a bad person for not thinking about his feelings. 

But my selfish side comes creeping in every time I think this way. 

Why is it my fault? 

I told him multiple times, I gave him the benefit of the doubt when I saw his changes. 

He brought this to himself.

Why should I care? 

But just when I start to drown myself in my selfishness, the better side of me makes me feel guilty for thinking that this was all his fault. 

It's not his fault that he loves me, it's his choice and he has chosen this path. 

He just loves hard, and I know the feeling of loving someone that hard to even lose yourself in it. 

Why can't I love him back? 

Why is love so hard? 

"...and that's it for my presentation this morning. Thank you." The presenter bows while others in the room clapped. 

I snapped out of my trance and scanned the room quickly. I can't believe they're encouraging this stupid girl and thinks her proposal should be known. 

As the claps died down, all eyes are on me. 

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