Chapter 68

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Boruto leaned against the car's open window, his gaze fixed on the world outside. The gentle breeze whispered through the trees, rustling leaves as if they were sharing a secret. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, he felt carefree, the weight of his past experiences slowly lifting.

Thoughts of his extraordinary journey had haunted him relentlessly, but over time, he had come to a difficult realization - he needed to move on. How could he cling to something that wasn't real, as mesmerizing as it had been?

In the backseat, Himawari sat beside him, the familiar figure of their mother, Hinata, behind the wheel. The car carried them away from their old life and toward Konoha, their new home. The past was fading, and they were headed for a fresh start.

"Onii-chan," Himawari's voice broke through his contemplation, "are you excited?"

Boruto sighed, a heaviness weighing down his response. "Not really." The spark that had once driven him had dimmed significantly. The conversation he'd had with his mother had drained him, sapped his motivation and left him feeling adrift.

Himawari mirrored her brother's sense of unease. She had longed for their journey together, painful as it was. Despite the desperation to return, a glimmer of hope remained, a belief that a new beginning held promise. Surely, it couldn't hurt to hope for a brighter future.

As they arrived in Konoha, memories of the war flooded Boruto's mind. The village, now so peaceful, felt surreal in its serenity. Houses and buildings stood undestroyed, the asphalt on the streets unmarred. But what struck him most profoundly was the atmosphere, devoid of the bloodshed and destruction he had known.

Himawari, sensing her brother's unease, tapped his shoulder gently. "Don't think too much about it, onii-chan."

"Yeah," Boruto replied, his eyes still distant.

Their journey led them to a spacious house. Hinata parked the car, and a sense of change hung in the air as they stepped out. The house was the embodiment of their new life, the boxes they carried symbolizing the past they had left behind.

While Himawari eagerly carried boxes into their new home, Boruto remained by the car, his body reluctant to move despite his mental desire to help. Time seemed to stretch, its passage uncertain.

Onii-chan," Himawari's voice reached him, her hand gently tugging at his arm, "it's okay that you didn't help us, but you shouldn't stay in the car."

"Alright," Boruto muttered, finally finding the resolve to join them. He cast his gaze upon the house, acknowledging its potential.

"Great," he thought to himself, "a fresh start."

Days passed, and their first day at their new school arrived. Boruto had expected to savor his last moments of freedom, but time had slipped through his fingers like grains of sand. In contrast, Himawari's excitement was palpable.

"Yaaay, first day of school!" she cheered.

Boruto couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Come on, onii-chan, or else we'll be late!"

With his schoolbag in hand, Himawari led him outside, exchanging farewells with their parents. Naruto's words lingered in the air, a mixture of fatherly concern and exasperation.

Our first day at our new school! Himawari's eyes sparkled with anticipation, her previous school experiences a painful memory that she hoped to leave behind.

Boruto couldn't hide his apprehension. Everything felt eerily familiar, as if he had been here before. The park, the shops, even the ramen vendor, it was all unchanged, just like in his dreams.

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