1K 56 7

Win : woah P you were great there
Gun : thanks nong

Tay: woah he won P off our brother in law won
Off: I know my darling is great

It was another match between namtarn and June and of course namtarn won (I am not writing their match because I am lazy . And I have a lot of work too . Bright : are you sure your lazy and not a bitch. Author : you want to sleep with metawin or on the couch . Bright : with metawin. Author : good then go back . Bright:ok)
Next match was between gulf and lhong and gulf won . Hence namtarn and gulf was qualified to another round . Next match was new against Lisa . Let's see what happens.

Announcer : now let's begin the last match of the day that is between new and Lisa . Let the match begin

Off: nong Tay who is this Lisa never heard of her
Tay : she is this school slut, she always gets into pants of boys who are handsome and her powers is that she can make lust ropes .
Singto: ugh I am getting sick of her by hearing itself
Bright: your right

Back to match

Lisa : hey handsome want to go on a date ( no hates for black pink Lisa she is bae but this is just a random name )
New: sorry bitch I am gay and you don't need makeup.
Lisa: why the hell are you telling me a bitch and why don't I need makeup cause I'm beautiful.
New: no cause you need a plastic surgery

Everyone laugh

Bright: woah what a savage

Lisa : you bitch
Suddenly Lisa ties ropes to newwie but he dodged it.

New: your shooting skills sucks come on I'm just here
Lisa : wait till I get you 

Lisa goes on doing but newwie goes round and round what she and everyone failed to notice was her ropes where tied to herself in different directions so she had no where to escape . She was defeated by her own power .

Announcer : woah this match was also won without power. The winner is newwie and he is qualified for next round. Everyone can move out but before that I would like to inform you about the C wing no one should enter that building. And qualified participants and next participant list will hung on main board you guys can check it out

So basically the whole school is divided into 3 wings or parts first wing is the main school second is the student dorm and third one is most hidden at the back which is nearly to the forest that is the old c wing or old library but now it is brunt .

❤️List of students who are qualified to the next round





❤️list of names that will compete in the next match

Singto against knot

Bright against jane

Off against Earth pirawat (1000stars earth )

Tay against JJ ( he is the villain in dark blue kiss)

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