epilogue 5💜

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Louis comes running in a filled with people hallway just to give his beloved P his lunch that he personally made by his hands. And let me tell you that Louis makes the best lunches in the world. He made pad Thai it's Neo's favorite but today I think Neo is in a very bad mood cause he lost the basketball game with his enemy so he is angry and this is not known by Louis.
Louis: PNeo, PNeo.
Neo: whatt.
Louis: aww why are you angry P was it your bad day. Well forget about it and have this.
Neo: I don't want. So fuck off. And don't you ever say my name by your stupid mouth it's disgusting. Now get lost from here.
Louis had tears in eyes but still kept the lunch box near Neo.
Louis: I know you need some time P so I will be going now ok na.
Louis just runs away from their.
Boy1: Hey Neo. What are you doing here.
Neo: I don't know shut up.
Boy2: hey you are still upset of that game. Oh come on man you knew that they cheated ryt.
Neo: what they cheated.
Boy1: yes they did so only coach is suspending them from the game for a week. Hey you got a lunch box. And it smellls great too.
Boy2: wait this is pad Thai.
Neo: he brought me pad Thai.
Boy1: it is so damn hard to make it Neo I think your mom or whoever gave this to you loves you very damn much to make this.
Boy2: don't tell me that Louis came and gave this to you.
Neo nodded with his head down.
Boy1: really did Louis make this. Man if someone made this for me then I will give my whole life to them.
Boy2: Neo don't tell me that you scolded him because you were angry for the game and he went crying.
Neo nodded again.
Boy1: Bro are you mad, now shut up and go and say sorry to him and confess your love to him.
Neo: but I don't love him.
Boy2: ya right and I'm a girl tell me a good lie Neo. You seriously a bitch now go.
Neo nods and goes to find Louis. But he couldn't find him so his last hope was the  college terrace so he goes there. And he sees a boy facing the view but he was crying.
Neo: Louis.
Louis turned and was shocked to see Neo. Before he could speak Neo hugged him.
Neo: do you know how much heart attack you gave me now. You just gave me the lunch and left.
Louis: I just wanted to give you time.
Neo: I don't want time Louis, I want you, your warmth, your love.
Louis sees him. Neo wipes his tears.
Neo: did u eat lunch.
Louis nods as no.
Neo: then we will both eat.
Louis: it's yours.
Neo: it's not mine, it's ours now. I love you Louis.
Louis smiles and blushes.
Neo: hey I want my love you too.
Louis: I love you too.
And they kiss and eat.


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