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Everyone goes to a cafe and sits down.

Gun: New what was that dream about? We thought you had a nightmare.
Off in mind: why are you so concerned about him. Oops he is his brother off shut your damn brain .
Tay "screams" : you had a nightmare
New in mind: why is he so concerned about this?what does this panda want from me?
Krist: why the hell are you screaming like that to him? If you want to ask sit and gently ask him.
Tay: because I like him
Everyone was stunned
New clears his throat
New: we will talk about you liking me afterwards but now I have something important to say . So guys sit your ass down now . I will continue my dream in it I was in the same place with Kao . He said that we have to save him and his friends. So I think he meant khai,third, sarawat, tine,arthit,kongpob and Pete.

Krist: we can save them but we don't have any powers
He points at the varichiwat
Krist: only they have
New: I asked that too he just told me too read the whole book and we can find our answers.
Ok now I will start-

(Italics- Kao dairy )

Hi, dairy
The next day of campus was very good too I learnt so many things .But do you know what interesting I learnt today. I learnt about THE DEMON AMBER . He was a demon he can change his appearance and trick people. One day Mother moon established 4 powerful people and gave them 4 powerful powers. That is Earth, water, air and fire. Amber wanted to have that power to himself so he started praying to mother moon . And as always he tricked her too and asked the power to suck other people power but it can be used only 3 times . So Amber tried and tricked fire, water and air and sucked their power . Now mother moon was furious so she banished Amber from earth but he took the person who had the power earth and also water,fire and air just followed them. But what he didn't know was the earth,air,water and fire had descendants. I wonder who are those people.

Hi ,dairy
Next day had just begun I've only researched about Amber but I did not get nothing. Today I did went to class but today a new professor came today cause our teacher died and we don't know how. This man gives me creepy vibes . Can you believe it. And I also saw that mam Laura was different today she did not even look at me . Usually she will give a small smile but today nothing. Well again today My Pete was angry too I don't know why . I asked why he was angry but he just told me to stay away from that new professor.

Hi, dairy
Today is the 5th day of me living here everything is fine here but the new professor creeped me out because today a student died from falling . They said that his body was green in colour and I had just saw that damn professor had green colour on his hand . Is he the killer well let's find out afterwards. I am excited about tomorrow because Pete asked me on a date and I said yes.

Today was so much fun cause I had very beautiful date with Pete . He just confessed to me that he liked me since I entered the university. I'm so happy. But I hope this happiness stays longer with me .

Hi, dairy
I've made 4 new friends they are lovers they are Miketoptap and Mewgulf . But I am also sad because they will go to China *their China address * tomorrow,Now I am sad but it's ok it's good for them. By the way today another student died and I started to doubt that professor.

Hi, dairy
Here I come again you know why am I happy today that is because Pete saw my sad mood and we went on a dinner date we also kissed . Ahh I'm in love. Today another student died in the same way . You know what I am gonna follow that professor and see what is going on.

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