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New: tayyyyyyyyy noooooooooo.
He had tears in his eyes . He saw that by his voice the guard had seen him so he runs forward to save his life and again he sees someone in front of him it was the guard , it was like he teleported himself. The guard was about to kill Newwie when Kao rescued his life by coming in front of him.

New: mama nooooo.
Kao( stutters): Newwie save your life baby.
New had tears running down in his face. He is basically a mess right now. He had watched his love of his life and his own mother dying in front of him. It was like he killed them by his own hands.
New: I am going to kill you. You fucker.
He uses he water power and pours hot water on the guard and the guard dies screaming. But suddenly he feels like his head spinning and he was back to the room where it all had started, the room he was right in front of the painting. The eight coffins , the same room where it had begun, the same room where he saw his two important people in his life die in front of him. New shakes his head.

New: What was happening? Ohh I know now I was hypnotised by this painting. It was painted here to stop the cave hunters to steal any of the coffin. Oh that mother fucker is gonna have some punches by my hand. I was mentally strong if it was any other people they would have probably died.

New continues his journey and goes forward and comes across another big room. In that room there was big coffin in the middle of the room and some vases around the room. He goes to the coffin and dusted of the dust to see if anything had been written , and he sees something.
New: oh so this must be the mute emperor's minister. Then maybe a way should be inside.
He opens the coffin and sees a body.
New: what the heck this body is like it has died now?
The body was still fresh and looked very young too. New carefully places the body aside and continues to examine the coffin. Meanwhile the body comes to life and tries to attack Newwie from a sword but Newwie moves.the body now jumps high to kill Newwie but Newwie made a water rope and snatched its sword. The body was surprised by the move of Newwie but he showed no shock and continued to attack Newwie by his hand but Newwie stabs him with his own sword and the body disappeared like it was just dust particles.
New: What was that? Maybe he needed salvation by his own. As no one visited here , he was stuck here . So I think I gave him that. Well mister minister hope you served your emperor really good. Now I will be going forward.

New goes forward to the coffin and stabs in the middle of its inside. And suddenly the coffin opened to enter, he also some steps and went inside . After going inside he sees a small path so he needed to bend and walk on his hands as the path was short. After going for a few minutes he hears a thunder.
New: oh I think it's gonna rain. Wait a minute this was same sound of thunder that I brought by my power.
He was going to continue but he sees a candle in its holder.
New: huh? What's this for?
Suddenly he feels like there was someone behind him but when saw there was no one. So he thinks that maybe he can see them by this candle because this was no ordinary candle. So when he lits it up , he sees a door in front. When he slowly turns back to see what was there he saw the paper guards were alive and behind him . Not one or two but many of them. So he quickly runs or more likely crawls to the door and shuts it after he enters another room.

He sees a big statue of the thunder god and nothing.
New: what the fuck? Now where should I go now? Wait I will think about that afterwards. But how did that guards come out of no where. Maybe something triggered them but what. What happened before they came? Wait I know that thunder. Maybe the thunder which I brought at the river and the one I heard it here was the same , so it triggered them. Now which way should I go.

He goes forward to see the thunder god. He joins his both of his palms to pray and then goes to examines the god but nothing was unusual. So he thinks hard.
New: wait where is that candle?
He goes to the candle which was on the ground and  then takes it in his hands.
New: maybe this candle can show me the way again.
He lits it and turns around and sees a door by the reflection or by the light that was produced by the candle. He goes towards the door but couldn't open it.
New: how will I open it- wait a damn minute.
He goes to the statue of the thunder god and sees the head in front.
New: the statue I saw while entering was had its head facing right but this is facing front so if I turn this  maybe the door will open.

He turns the gods head and the door opens.
New: holy shit I am a genius.
He suddenly heard banging sounds from the previous door which he came from , and he sees the guards were trying to get in so he quickly goes to another door and closes it  and turns off the candle.

This room that Newwie currently entered was very hecticly huge. Because there was a big ship and upon that or maybe upon the ceiling was a big black bell hanging by the help of big copper chains.

The bell::

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The bell::

And there were water surrounding at the bottom of the ship . And to go to the water there are steps too.
New: What is this ship? Oh maybe this was the ship that the mute emperor's princess rode. Actually when she was rescued she came alone to the palace because everyone was killed in that battle , so she rode a ship and came to the palace alone. So maybe this was the ship she rode.

He sees some boxes and something he couldn't figure out was on the ship.
New: huh? What's on the ship? I need to check it out.
He climbs on the ship and sees a box and full closed coffin.
New: huh? Whose coffin must be this?
He tries to see if something written on it but nothing was written on it and it was closed not even closed it was like it was fully sealed.
He opens the box and sees a old style of recording device and a book. He chooses to read it.

It read.
Hi, so maybe now I might be dead but this can help people who will come in the future to take the sword. I have studied about thunder for 8 years and after a long time I am here to get the sword. You maybe wondering that was is the connection between the thunder and the sword. I will tell you when the princess rode this ship a sword came to her , but she did not use it as she was made of paper. Yes the princess is made of paper, and if you need to take the sword you need to wake her up, but you need a certain sound of thunder to wake her up. But don't expect her to be nice when she wakes up , she will be violent as hell. And yes this coffin is hers itself , she never died cause she is made of paper. I tried to open it by my power that is invisible force but I couldn't. Then I thought it would open by the sound of thunder and I played it but then———————-.
New: wait why is the handwriting so messy at the end and which thunder sound? Maybe if I fix this recording device I maybe get something.

New continues to fix it. Meanwhile let's go see what is happening at the pack house.

After the lunch was served , everyone went to practiced. It was evening and Tay came to Newwie.
Tay: come with me Newwie.
New: where Tay?
Tay: I want you too plant with me . Come on let's go.

They go to a small garden and Tay hands Newwie a pot of sunflower which Newwie heavely dislikes. Newwie prefers roses than sunflower cause sunflower doesn't smell nice. They planted everything and now Tay is 80% sure that this is not his Newwie. They both wash their hands and goes to eat dinner.
Everyone were eating when Tay brought a topic for which everyone chocked on their food even  Newwie.
Tay: so Newwie which colour suit do you want for our wedding?
New: What? Wedding?
Tay hums.
Tay: yes now which colour do you want ?
New: umm black.
Tay in mind: gotcha my Newwie never liked dark coloured clothes, he wears only bright colours.
Tay: oh ok let's go and sleep na I'm very tired.
New nods.
Tay: good night everyone.
Tay nods at Kao and Kao understood that this was the signal to their plan. After Taynew went to the room Kao explains everyone about the convo of him and Tay that they had at the afternoon and he also tell them about their whole plan to which everyone nodded. They went to Taynew room where new is already sleeping and Tay was awake.
Tay (whispers): ok mom let's do it.

Kao nods and puts the moon powder on a hand mirror that slowly melted and went inside the mirror. Kao turns the mirror to the sleeping figure and they were right. They saw a ugly monster sleeping on the bed. Tay signalled Everyone to talk about this tomorrow and everyone went to sleep.

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