The Diddly-Bops Part 1

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I found out the following Monday that Tori was an even bigger pussy then I thought when I came to school to see Robbie with his hand up a puppets ass! Thanks to Tori, we will be forever graced by Rex.

We were all sitting in Sikowitz's class when the bell rang.

"All right, nice work everyone!"

We were all gathering our things when Sikowitz called out.

"Wait! Tori, Andre, Blake, Beck, Jade, Cat, Robbie. Stay for a moment."

We all stopped and turned around to see what the crackpot wanted. He came over to us holding a hideous green purse. Tori spoke up first.

"Um, why do you have a woman's purse?"

"I don't have a-- Good Ghandi, where did this come from? And where's my dozen bagels?"

Jade and I both asked at the same time.

"Can I leave?"

"Wait. How would you teenagers like to do something for money?"

We all looked a bit disturbed at this statement.

"Can we have some details first?"

"Well I assume all of you are familiar with Kevin Chase."

"The guy who owns like half the hotels in Vegas?"

Sikowitz screamed that he was telling the story.

"Kevin was my roommate in college."

I had to interrupt this time.

"You went to college...and didn't get locked up?"

He continued without acknowledge my barb at him.

"And now he's extremely wealthy, and his little boy is turning four years old this week. The big 4-0h."

"What do you want, man?"

"Kevin hired the Waggafuffles..."

Cat squeeled about how much she loved the Waggafuffles and began this heinous song and dance number.

"Wagga Wagga Wagga Wag your fuffle left and right, Wagga Wagga Wagga Wag day and night."

What the actual Waggafuckle?

"Cat, please shut the Waggafuck up!"

"Blake told me to shut up!"

"Yes, thank you Blake."

Jade came forward offering a dollar for him to get to the point. At this point, I would offer 100.

"I couldn't possibly take your money...Apparently the Waggafuffles private jet crashed."

This demented teacher was giggling over a plane one survives those!

"And now Kevin needs a new musical group to perform at his son's birthday party."

"So you want us to form a kiddie musical group?"

"For just one performance..."

Jade stated the collective no and we all turned to walk away, until Sikowitz mentioned the money. While everyone stopped, I kept going. There is no amount of money in the world that will get me to perform for children. I applaud those that make a living off of entertaining kids and that enjoy, but hell no!

I also can't help this week, my godbrother in San Diego has asked me to come out and help shoot a music video for his band with the help of his stepbrother.
Let's see if you can guess who her godbrother is.😏😏

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