Blake's New Boyfriend Part 4

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Danny and I had to go and clean the hot and now crusty cheese off of us. I was pissed that our date got ruined by Miss Cheekbones and Beck said that him and Jade were looking for Tori. I couldn't care less if they find her, they just need to keep her away from me or I'll hit her with a bus. Danny had already walked out after he finished cleaning up while I was still getting cheddar out of my hair.

I was walking down the hallway when I heard Danny talking to someone and that someone happened to be Tori. I hid behind the corner to see what was happening.

"Alright, listen. I have no idea why I did that.

"Were you jealous?"


Yeah right bitch! You're temper tantrums weren't out of jealousy.

"Cause it doesn't make sense for you to be jealous, you broke up with me."

"I know, it makes zero sense."

Tori was sitting on the stairs and then Danny sat next to her. My heart was pounding out of what appeared to be fear.....fear? I haven't felt true fear in a while, not since before my Dad got custody of me.

"Listen Tori, I'm sorry you feel this way but it's time for you to move on."

She got pissed at this comment.

"I have moved you on!"

"Then why did you spray Blake and I with cheese?"

"I couldn't stand to see you with her!"

It was silent for a minute until Danny spoke up.

"I'm sorry you feel that way but I love Blake."


"How can you love someone as cold and as miserable as her!?"

If looks could kill, Tori would be 6 feet under.

"Come again?"

"She is mean all of the time, she doesn't care about anyone or anything. It's like she's a statue! And she only got into this school cause of her mom. Why does she always get everything!?"

Make that 12 feet deep. Now I could be angry at what's she's saying and normally I would have said something, but Danny did it for me.

"She has faced so much shit in her life that she deserves everything and I want to be a part of that everything."

Danny started to walk away when Tori grabbed him and kissed him. It was at this point I started to step out from the corner when Danny yanked away wiping off his mouth.

"What the fuck? Why would you do that?"

"To show you who's better!"

I let them see me walking towards them.

"You think you're better huh?"

When Tori saw me her mouth quickly shut. Danny looked scared that I had seen only them kiss, but I made it clear that I heard everything when I pulled him in for a big kiss. He wrapped his arms around me tight and when we pulled apart I said the four words that were on my mind.

"I love you too."
The rest of the weekend was uneventful, except watching Beck keep Jade from throwing a brick through Tori's window was entertaining. Danny and I were inseparable after I told him I heard everything he said. Beck says I should talk to Tori, but Jade and I had a better idea.

When Tori came into the locker area, I walked right up to her. She looked she should be.

"Listen Blake, I'm so sorry about the Kick Back. I don't know what came over me, honestly I wouldn't blame you if you punched me in the face."

I thought about it for a minute.

"You're Dad a cop?"


"I'm good, but I do have a surprise for you. Hit it Jade!"

Jade hit the soundtrack and I decided to show Tori that I can sing.

When the music finished, Tori was red in the face and bolted away when everyone started clapping and cheering. Jade and I high-fived each other, paybacks a bitch Vega.

*by the way, I purposely left out the whole foot plot line. I'm not including Dan Schneiderr's foot fetish in my story!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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