A Film by Dale Squires Part 1

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Today we were all sitting in the Blackbox theater waiting for Mr

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Today we were all sitting in the Blackbox theater waiting for Mr. Sanders to start our film studies class. We were having a debate on a important subject...Would you rather and it was Tori's turn.

"Okay, if you had to give up the internet or one of your feet?"

We all knew our answers before she even finished the sentence.




"Bye, foot."

"See ya, foot."

"Really? You'd all give up a foot to keep the internet?"

I mean as much as I love to dance, but the internet is worth it. We all voiced our agreement about how losing a foot is worth keeping the internet, I'll even lose it Saw style. Andre pointed out how much Tori loves the internet.

"I know, but my foot is a part of my body and the internet is....yeah bye foot."

The bell rang signaling us to take our seats, mine being next to Cat with Beck's ever present feet on the back of my chair and Mr. Sanders walked in.

"All right future superstars, take your seats. Because at this point in your lives I am in charge of you. Come on, let's not waste time. We got some excitement today!"

Cat squealed at his statement.

"Yay, I love excitement!"

Tori as usual had to answer with a dumb question.

"Who doesn't love excitement?"

Cat was quick to point to the boy sitting behind me.


Personally I don't mind Damien as he's quiet and wasn't overly upbeat as he is quite the opposite.

"She's right...Tori."

Tori scooted her chair away from him like the chicken she is. 

"Okay so instead of discussing the differences...."

Mr. Sanders was once again interuppted but this time it was by Robbie and Rex coming in late panting like an unathletic nerd...which he is.

"Sorry I'm late, sweaty and out of breath."

"Somebody give me some coffee."

"Robbie just sit down."

Tori asked him why he was late and since it was obvious that Mr. Sanders wasn't going to be teaching anytime soon with the constant interruptions, I pulled out the book I was currently reading, "The Hobbit". In the background I could hear Robbie telling a sob story how his new junker car broke down and he got jumped by some street thugs. Mr. Sanders finally was able to get everyone's attention.

"Okay let's all shut up and let teacher talk, Blake put that book away!"

I rolled my eyes and put it away as per request.

"Now I bet you are all familiar with the short film called "Butterface"."

We all voiced our agreement with Tori continuing with her annoying voice.

"Oh my god,  I've watched that movie online like a billion times."

Jade thankfully piped up because I could feel my brain cells slowly dying as Tori was talking.

"Yeah who hasn't?"

"Well I'm glad you are all aware of the film because I'd like you all to meet the director of "Butterface".

"No way!"

"Don't tease me."

"A former student of mine Dale Squires."

We all gave a round of applause as the said director that looked more like a tool then anything came out to greet us and Mr. Sanders.

"Okay, Dale podium is all yours."

"Nice, I've always wanted a plexiglass podium."

Everyone laughed at his lame joke, it was so funny I almost forgot to laugh. Dale took notice of Robbie's predicament.

"Uh, what happened to your shoe?"

"Oh, uh it was taken by street toughs."

I bet you if anything it was a couple of middle schoolers that jumped him again like last year.
So it was decided that our class would be teaming up with Dale Squires to make Beck's one-act play into a short film and we would start filming it tomorrow night at Tori's house. But more importantly, my cousin Tony and his bandmates were coming over tonight and I couldn't wait. I had ordered 5 pizzas as I knew from past experience that those boys could eat me out of house and home and 2 of them were vegan pizzas for me and Tony to enjoy as we both refuse to eat meat. I didn't even need to wait for the doorbell to ring to knoe they were at the door, I could hear their laughter all the way from my drive way. Suddenly the sound of pounding on my door rang throughout the house causing Salem to start barking and Mr. Mistoffles to run away. I ran to the door and yanked it open to see my cousin and his band of Sexicans....or better known as Pierce the Veil.

or better known as Pierce the Veil

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*Blake's new hair shown above

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