The Bird Scene Part 1

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"Hey, thanks for picking me up Beck

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"Hey, thanks for picking me up Beck."

As I got into Beck's car, he handed me my usual cup of coffee and started heading to school.

"You're Dad still out of town?"

"Yeah, the trial is taking longer then expected but he says thanks for taking me to school till he gets back."

"No problem. Tonight I'm going to the race tracks, you wanna come?"


The rest of the car ride continued in comfortable silence as we got to school. Beck had to go talk to a teacher about a homework assignment and I met up with Jade.

"So you signing up for any of the plays?"

"Yeah. I'm already signed up to dance in 3 of them."

We were walking down the hall when we saw Tori struggling to hold all of her things. Jade took the chance to revel in her misery and said in a chipper voice.

"Need some help?"

Tori looked relieved at the offer.



We kept on walking. It's not like I wouldn't help her, but seriously set the shit down and get it together.
Later in Sikowitz's class, Jade and Cat were at the front performing a scene for the class.

"Betsy, Betsy. That animal's delicious flesh could keep us all alive for another week."

Cat was playing a young farm girl who would not give up her precious stuffed pig to Jade.

"I don't want to be alive without Poncy. This pig is everything to me that my Daddy never was and I'll be dinged danged..."

At this moment psycho Sikowitz threw a ball hitting Cat in the face causing her to fall over, thus ending the scene. Jade was the first to protest.



"You hit me in the face with a ball!"

"Oh come on, a truly great actor can stay in the scene no matter what's happening around her."

He's got a point.

"But it really hurt."

I wouldn't doubt it. The bell rang putting an end to Sikowitz's rant and Cat's crying turned to cheering.

"Oh, lunch, yay!"

Thank god, I need a veggie burger.

"Learn your lines, I want everyone off book by tomorrow."

Jade went on ahead with Cat and I hung back to wait for Beck. He seemed to be inviting Tori to lunch with us, until Sikowitz stopped her with throwing his ball at her. Probably wants to talk to her about Hollywood Art's rite of passage.
Beck, Andre, Robbie, Rex and I were enjoying our lunches when Andre spoke up.

"Hey Blake, you know where I could buy a pair of ballet slippers?"

"I do, I also know where you can get a pretty skirt and some lipgloss."

Rex seemed to find what I said to be funny.

"Heh, Heh, Heh. That was a good one Blake. Lipgloss."

He raised his hand for a high five but put it down when I just stared at him with my light green eyes. I continued my conversation with Andre.

"Do I dare ask why you need ballet slippers?"

"Cause I signed up to take ballet."

Robbie decided to interject with a sexist comment about ballet being girly. But Andre had an even worse response to the question.

"Yup. Just one big room full of girls. And me. You guys picking up what I'm putting down?"


Everyone except of Robbie got it, but once Beck explained it Robbie wanted to sign up to. Andre turned to me once more.

"So beautiful, you're a ballerina. I guess I'll see you there."

"I'm the teacher's assistant this year, so you will not be dancing with me at anytime Andre. And I've seen the class roster and I got to say...Good luck."

I finally had enough of this conversation and packed up my things and headed to my next class.

*Blake's backpack shown above. I'm going to be splitting the episodes into several parts most of the time as I have the attention span of a child.

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