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My eyes shot open and yet the darkness still surrounded me, I squinted and blinked in the shadows of my room, disorientated and momentarily confused, did I just imagine his voice?

"Fearne, wake up!" A shove to the shoulder reassured me I wasn't going crazy, or dreaming.

Reluctantly I rolled over, ignoring the creaking sounds from the rusted mattress springs and placed my prayer-like hands beneath my pillow. Arlo cast a dark shadow over my bed, his hair lay wild, his eyes bloodshot and his clothes minimal.

"What time is it?" I rubbed my eyes, my voice croaky from not speaking for hours.

"I have to show you something." Arlo whispered, he seemed childishly excited.

"It's late." I sat up to look at him properly, leaning my back against the headboard and clasping my two hands together, my eyes took eons to adjust to the darkness.

"Check it out. If I jump my shoes send me really, really high. They like shoot me into space or something. Watch this. Are you watching? Watch."

"What?" I rubbed my eyes again and he jumped, shaking the whole cabin. The window pane rattled in its frame and the dream catcher shook above my bed.

I glanced down at his feet. They were bare, and covered in soil. In fact all of him was bare.

"Arlo you're not wearing any shoes." I grunted tiredly.

With confusion he looked down at his feet as if seeing them for the first time. "Oh." He said quietly, deep in thought. "That's weird."

He shoved me over and climbed into bed. He pulled the duvet off my body and wrapped it around himself, leaving me attacked by the airs chill. Within seconds his eyes had fluttered closed and his breathing had become even.

"Arlo?" I whispered.

No response so I pushed him.

"Arlo?" I repeated

"No mom, five more minutes." He mumbled sleepily.

I tilted my head back against the headboard and heaved out a sigh. He came into my room and woke me up now he was fast asleep and I was wide awake.

I picked at my cuticles and bit the inside of my cheek from boredom. I could see the moon reflection in my mirror, it was bright with an ivory ring circling around it and it illuminated my room with a subtle dim glow. I debated getting out my phone, checking the time and replying to Aiden but I didn't even know what to write so instead I left it.

Arlo rolled over, muttering something in a different language, the sheet hung loosely around his waist and I took the opportunity to study his chest tattoo up close. It was a remarkable piece of art; a lions face, the mane made up of tribal patterns that blended out over his abs. I wanted to touch it but I couldn't.

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