6. Not so bad

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On Sunday night, after Lian locked herself in her room the entire day, she had finally surrendered to her fate and decided to face Mark and her responsibilities. She was so close to hating him but she realized she shouldn't blame Mark for the things that were happening. It wasn't his fault both their parents were crazy. They were both victims and they had only each other to turn to in this ridiculous situation so she wasn't going to be mean to him.

Besides, they were friends now. It would've been better if they were back to being best friends just like when they were younger, but Lian was just willing to take what she can.

Mr. and Mrs. Wong have left earlier that afternoon for the Mainland, said they had some business to attend to which left Lian no choice but to pack her things. There weren't a lot to begin with, all she had were her clothes... her bags... her shoes... her Xbox games collection (which she's so proud of)... Okay, maybe it was a lot but she didn't have a problem bringing them all over to the Tuan's.

It was just before dinner when Mark knocked on her door to pick her up and take her to his house. He helped her get everything in the car as Lian stalled for time, thinking maybe if she wasted so much, they'd back out and leave her alone. But of course, that didn't happen and that was a stupid idea. Who would back out of a wedding just because the soon to be bride was always tardy? She stubbornly got on Mark's car as he drove back to their house.

It was weird. Neither one of them talked. The whole ride, Lian felt antsy and iffy and she didn't know what to do. The drive to the Tuan's from their hotel took 30 minutes so it left Lian time to sleep.

She woke to something poking her forehead. Lian tried to ignore it and go back to sleep but it was so persistent, it just wouldn't go away!!!

"Yah!!!" She screamed in anger, flinging her arms around.

"Oh. Okay. You wanna sleep here all night?" She looked to see where the voice was coming from and saw that it was Mark grinning at her behind the unrolled car window. She gave him the stink eye before gathering her things and stepping out of the car, she almost tripped on her own feet when she stepped on the ground.

Jelly legs...! I can't feel them!!!

Mark only laughed and shook his head at her clumsiness.

"Where are my things?" She asked when she noticed the car empty of her bags.

"The maids brought it to your room. You've been sleeping there for almost an hour now." Mark led her inside the house where the maids bowed at them as they walked past.

"Oh." Lian said as she looked around, remembering how everything was the same as when they were younger, with only more modern furniture and another tenant.

"Yeah. Mom and dad had to go to this party so they couldn't personally welcome you but mom said to tell you Mi Casa Es Su Casa."

Lian frowned. My house is your house.

She was jealous of Mark's mom. His mother was totally the opposite of hers. She was cute and warm and everything she wanted her mother to be.

Mark saw the frown on Lian's face and mistook it for discomfort.

"Hey, don't worry. We'll find a way to get out of this."

Lian was about to say something back but Mark stopped in front of a door which meant she had to stop too. He smiled that boyish smile of his that made any girl sigh dreamily (but oddly didn't work on Lian) and spoke in that raspy, deep voice that made girls melt into petty puddles. "Oh, this is your room. Everything's inside. My room is two doors away so just let me know if you need anything. Or ask any of the maids."

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