Weight Loss Tips

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There is a number of reasons why a female may want to lose weight. The two most common reasons are either because they genuinely want to have a healthy body or because they want to "fit in" society. Either way, if you're going to lose weight, I want to make sure you're doing it right.

1) Eating more berries helps you to lose weight. This is because other fruits contain fructose which, if combined with carbs, creates extra body fat. However, berries don't contain that dreaded ingredient.

2) Spinach contains double the fibre in comparison to other greens therefore fights fat much more efficiently.

3) Green tea is proven to boost your metabolism therefore you burn more fat than if you were drinking any old, regular tea. It's also a great anti-oxidant and I'm sure that's something your body would love.

4) Adding vinegar to your salad everyday will boost your metabolism.

5) If you eat an apple 15 minutes before having a meal, you will consume 187 less calories. God, why didn't I try this before?

6) By doubling your daily dairy intake, you can increase your metabolism rate by 50%!

7) If you drink a glass of carrot juice a  day, you could possibly lose 4lbs over 12 weeks.

8) Tomatoes suppress the hunger hormone, formally known as ghrelin, which means that you feel fuller for longer.

9),By eating in front of a mirror, it constantly reminds you of why you want to lose weight in the first place which has been proven to help aid weight loss.

10)Eat in a smaller plate so you think you are eating as much as usual but in fact, you are eating less. Soon, you will get used to eating smaller portions which your body will really benefit from, once you reach your idea of your "dream body".

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