Niagra Falls

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Most of us here know the hell we have to go through. Every. Damn. Month. And even if you don't (girls) then don't worry because I will be explaining the whole "period proccess" for those of you who do know and those of you who don't. And I will also be giving you a few tips and tricks ;-)

To be honest, I don't actually remember what happened on my first ever period even though it started about a year ago or something so I can't help there...

1. the warnings - you will most probably get warnings such as cramps or a browny kind of substance (no not poop) which basically tells you that your period is on the way.

2. When you do get your period, the 1st and 2nd days will be the heaviest but that just depends on how long your period lasts. Mine lasts for about 3-4 days.

3. You will then start to notice the reduction in blood which means that your period is coming to an end. You can now start switching to smaller pads (dunno about tampons).

4. Your period will eventually stop. YAAAAS FREEEDOMMMM! But don't forget that it's back again next month. And the month after that. And the next. And the rest of your life. Until you reach your menopause. I am not going to go into that. Search it up, lazy ass.

Note-however throughout the duration of your period you will feel lots of pain, cramps, cravings, random moods, back aches and stomach aches. Anything else?


If it's winter and you don't want to carry around a bag or a purse, you can stuff your pads or tampons down your boots (preferably Uggs or something).

If you are going somewhere where you either; can't be bothered to change pads, there is no bathroom to change in, or you are just going to move around too much, I reccomend you to put 2 thick pads on top of eachother so that if one of them does get full, there is an emergency one underneath to take care. But make sure that you are wearing something baggy like sweatpants or a dress so your bum isn't noticeably big and saggy and to also hide the fact that you are wearing pads.

At night, if you ever leak a little bit on your pants or any other items of clothing, throw it into the washing machine and if a member of your family asks why (except your mum) say that you had a bad dream/it was too hot and you started sweating. Or if it's only a little dot, to remove the blood stain apply cold water onto the stain (warm or hot water will lock the stain into the fabric) and rub some soap against it until you can see the stain go away.

Sooooo sorry! I have been really busy lately but I will start updating regularly again. (With a little help from you guys, suggesting and requesting please). LOVE EVERY ONE OF YOU Xx

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