DIY: Spa Day

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It's good to give your skin extra special treatment every once in a  while (your body too). A spa day/night is a perfect way to do that so in this update I will try and help you recreate some of the things that you would get in the spa; at home! Not only will I help with that but I will tell you great ways on how to relax and unwind for the night ahead and of course for your BEAUTY SLEEP!

It's also a great way to relax and have a little bit of "me time" to pamper yourself.

1: Run a bath. I know that a large majority of people nowadays are "shower people" however even though I DO take showers myself I find it even more relaxing to let myself run a warm bath and maybe add some products from Lush or The Body Shop like bath bubbles etc. to make it even more fun. You could even go to your garden/local park and pick off some flower petals to add into your bath.

tip: Once you enter the bath, only allow your whole body exept your hands to get wet so then you are able to use your phone or read a book and calm your mind. Once that is done, wash yourself as usual. OR to be EXTRA FANCY why not light up some candles (BE VERY CAREFUL PLEASE) to set the mood?

2: Before actually entering the bath wash your face to remove all your daily oils, make up, creams and all that stuff. It's really good to cleanse your skin about twice a day (especially if you either have acne or simply a mild case of normal spots every now and then). I suggest you wash your face once in the morning when you wake up (we should already do this) and again before we go to sleep.

3: Once you have had your relaxing bath and then showered properly, time to apply a face mask to your skin. You can either buy ready-made masks that you just out on your face (obvious) or if you feel like doing it yourself, here are how to do so! I would also reccomend using hair masks however you have to wash your hair, apply the hair mask and then after wash your hair again which I think would be too tiring.

AVOCADO: Don't throw away your avocados even if they are a little off, Instead, use this as a moisturizing mask.  This will help smoothen skin and help cure the burden of dry skin too.

ORANGE: This orange mask will leave you glowing and looking ever so natural. Freshly squeezed orange juice packs a moisturizing punch that your skin will totally LOVE. ( Apply the O.J with a brush).

PINEAPPLE PAPAYA: This tropical face mask will remind you if those sweet summer moments whilst it rushes through your skin removing any dead skin and even reducing wrinkles! It may feel a bit tingly but don't worry, that's just your fruits getting to work.

Leave your face masks to dry and work their magic for about 5-10 minutes.

4: Whilst you're waiting for your face mask to dry, moisturize your body to leave you feeling smooth and soft. (This part is optional)

5: Whilst you are waiting for your face mask to work its magic, throw on your favourite, comfiest PJ's.

6: Then rinse off your face mask.

7: If you apply night time skincare like I do, do that as usual however if not then after rinsing off the mask, wash your face again using soap.

tip: If you want to apply nail polish do that a few hours before having a bath/shower to allow any messy parts to wash away.

My first DIY! Hope you liked it and THAAAANX TO @lunabella550 for requesting/suggesting this.





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