How To: Persuade Your Parents

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60% of the time I have to persuade my parents to get what I want and believe me, my parents are S-T-U-B-B-O-R-N! However, all these years of experience has kinda make me a pro at persuading.

→Always have backup. If you have got a really good school report or you have achieved something really good, use that to persuade them that you deserve the thing that you want!

→ If they keep rejecting you, back off a little bit and then start nagging again.

→ Act like a total angel. Do all your homework, revise, clean up, ask them of they would like to eat anything, that kind of stuff.

→ Drop hints. For example, if you wanted a penny board you could say something like, "Apparently kids around my age should be active for a minimum of 60 minutes a day... My friends say that they really enjoy penny boards because it gets you super active and its really fun. They have even learnt new skills. If only I had a penny board..."

→ This doesn't always work on all parents but there was that ONE TIME where it worked for me. I basically kept ANNOYING AND ANNOYING AND ANNOYING them and I wouldn't shut up. Obviously, they couldn't take it and got me what I wanted! *evil grin*

What do you do to persuade your parents? Or even other people? Comment!

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