Winter Beauty

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The transition from Summer to Winter is quite a depressing one for me; having to watch the plants around me die and leaving the house looking like a hairball. Not cool. But, I have tried to work my way around these however major to minor problems and now everything's going pretty good, I say.

In winter you need to alter your skincare to suit the weather conditions. Here are some tips which will not only maintain healthy skin for your face, but for your whole body.

• Moisturize daily! Especially if certain areas of your body such as your face, hands etc are exposed to cold wind then moisturizing will "heal" them and smooth them up again. However, if you already have quite oily skin or simply skin that doesn't need any extra oil, I would still recommend you to moisturize lightly because I tend to have oily skin myself but there are certain areas like in between my brows that dry up a lot (random, right?).

• Use soaps, shower gels, creams and makeup that are rich in moisture and more "kind" to your skin.

• Try not to shower as often. This doesn't mean walk around looking like a tramp (absolutely no offence) but just try to reduce washing your hair as often. This is because you are stripping your hair from its natural oils and if it's winter, you are at higher risk of dandruff.

• Try to avoid walking around with wet hands, feet, face or hair. Your wet hair will cause you to get ill and your wet skin will sting and the feeling is horrible  (trust me I've been there) especially when it snows. (Being the dumbass I am, for 99.9% of my life I just wore normal cotton gloves when I would play around in the snow. Baaad idea. I just recently found out that you can purchase gloves specifically for snow at a much cheaper price than at a specialist store at shops like H&M for a much cheaper price.)

• Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water to make sure that your skin doesn't dry out and make you look like you shed chalk powder. Dead joke, I tried.

• As tempting as it is, it really isn't a good idea to take a super hot, long bath/shower on a super cold day. This is because the hot water dehydrates your skin so it's best to stick to lukewarm water.

Now I've told you how to look after your skin, you also need to know how to manage your hair...

• Stay away from styling your hair with heat. Your hair will already be quite damaged due to poor, cold weather conditions so there's absolutely no need to damage it further! Try styling your hair the way you want or normally do without heat.

• Use a deep conditioning treatment once a week to replenish and tend to any negative factors such as dry hair or overall damaged hair.

• Really, your hair would loves you even more if you tied it up in protective hairstyles rather than unleashing it to face the brutal weather.

•  Hats are a great way to protect your hair but nobody really wants to have hat hair and so it is recommended to wrap your hair in a silk scarf to maintain moisture and to avoid any static or damage caused by the hat rubbing against your hair.

BONUS TIP: avoid brittle winter nails by applying a coat of clear nail polish to protect your nails.  

Love each and every one of my babes that always support me and my work. Much love and appreciation. xxx

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