How To: Avoid Awkwardness

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I'm sure many of you out there have all been in that awkward situation or conversation where the whole time it's like AWKWRD SILENCE and random smiles... Yeah, not a great way to start a friendship :| BUT,  I will be giving you great tips that will make sure that you avoid awkwardness and also make you a more confident, and sociable person. Requested by: geurihyukhaeyo

How to seem confident when your not:

Hold your head up and make sure that you are standing up nice and straight... NO SLOUCHING!

If your hair is let out, don't allow or bring it out to hide your face.

Don't play or fidget with anything.

DO make eye contact, they won't kill you!

Speak with a loud (not too loud) and clear voice.

Try to smile instead of looking like a lost puppy or like you've just seen a ghost.

Who knows, maybe faking your confidence will lead you into the habit of ACTUALLY BEING CONFIDENT! Fake it 'till you make it ;-)

How to engage in a conversation/to socialise:

Ask them questions about their life. Not stalker level;-)

Start off a convversation by saying something like, "Hey my name is___________ , nice to meet you." They should reply back...

If they are wearing something you like, go ahead and compliment them and ask where they got it from. From there you can even start talking about your favourite shops and why you like them.

If two people are having a conversation that is supposed to include you but you're not actually saying anything, ENGAGE IN THE CONVO WOMAN! You can even start on a totally different topic if you wanted to!

Start off with "aaaaanyway..." (try not to sound rude though) and carry on with your new topic to talk about. If you are talking about favourite _________ remember to include your opinion and why. That way they can either agree or disagree.

Tip: If you feel like an arguement is going to happen tell her/him "let's agree to disagree" and that should work.

Hope this helped! Xx

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