First Time-Makeup

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So, there is/was that time when we decide to start wearing makeup and for most of us, we have noooo idea how to start off. Well, I do. So today I am going to tell you how to start your wonderful makeup journey and maybe give you some tips or tricks along the way!

First of all, you gotta start your makeup journey LIGHT. What I mean is don't start off by totally caking your face. No.

I'm just going to give you a step by step guide and you can keep jumping to the next step whenever you feel comfortable.

Step 1: put on a few coats of mascara and blush. (Blush optional). Lip gloss or SLIGHTLY PINK moisterizers can also be used.

Step 2: carry on using the mascara but now you can put on as much or as less as you want. Apply concealer to your spots ONLY and also apply blush. Use the same lip products as you did last time.

Step 3: use mascara, blush OR bronzer (Blush used to give rosy cheeks but bronzer used to enhance cheek bones or to enhance the sharpness of your face, overall) You can now use lipsticks that are a few shades darker than what you normally put.

Step 4: use mascara, blush or bronzer, any shade of lipstick, and you can apply any concealer, foundation or powder to your face.

Step 5: continue to use mascara, blush or bronzer, any shade of lipstick, concealer, foundation etc BUT you can now use eyeshadow (YAAAS SMOKEY EYES) and eyeliner.

Tip: For some people (such as myself) eyeliner doesn't really suit me so instead you can use a nude eyeliner to bring out your eyes and enhance them.

Tip: when going through the steps, it is recommended that you stay on the same step for about a month to ensure a natural makeup move from step to step. However, you can also change steps whenever you like. You do not have to go all the way up to step 5, just do whatever suits you.

I also realized that most of us have NO IDEA when it comes to smokey eyes and winged eyeliner/cat eyes whatever you wanna call it. I don't. Therefore help is at hand! I've also added a video in this update on how to do both smokey eyes and a winged eyeliner. Just basically listen, look and learn from the pro ladies! (The woman in the video)

Hope this helped you in any way. If there's any "girly" questions or anything you want to request I'M WAITING.

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