Ugh, Acne

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So one of my most hated all time enemy is acne. I have very mild acne so they really just look like a cluster of pimples but those dreaded spots have found their home in my face very comfortable for the past hmmm, 7 years I should say. 

First thing is please don't over do it with all the physical exfoliation and scrubbing because the skin is already sensitive and treating it so harshly will only irritate the skin further. Okay, so the occasional blackhead extraction may be needed sometimes but first thing is to really focus on your diet.

Similar to normal pimples, acne does feed on what you consume. Try to cut out fatty foods that are fried or contain lots of sugars and carbs. Drink a few litres of water a day.  If you often forget to drink just try to put your water bottle in places that you can always see. For example in class I put it on the desk and take sips throughout the lesson.

Although there are many chemical creams such as Isotrex (Isotrenin), Durac and tablets that doctors may prescribe, they also come with dreadful side effects like a MAJOR breakout at first (ahem, Isotrex) before you start to see any actual results. Try to use pure herbal remedies like my all time fave, PURE Witch Hazel and also other PURE tea tree products which really help calm and heal my skin. I don't go for products mixed in with alcohol or benzyl peroxide because they take away the pure benefits of the natural herbs itself and products like alcohol do irritate and dry the skin. 

ALSO, Sudocrem is great for many purposes but do not be fooled into thinking it can heal acne or pimples. Ohhh nooo, I just use it for those red spots I get on my face where I know there's some gunk underneath and so by applying sudocrem overnight, I wake up in the morning to see that the pus has risen to the surface and redness has resided a bit. Also, using sudocrem too much does clog your pores as it is very thick and greasy.

Any other tips, tricks or comments you'd like to add?





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