Benefits of Sleep

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Ever wondered what sleep really does to your body or how it even helps you?  Here are the top five, best facts so carry on reading!

Sleep repairs your body

A large number of studies suggest that the hours you spend sleeping is the hours your body spends to repair itself. Research shows that Cell Division and Protein Synthesis (one of the DNA's functions to form protein) are most active at night. Therefore, as you sleep, your body heals any damage.

Sleep reduces stress

 Sleep helps reduce the number of breakouts and stress in your body.This is because lack of sleep stresses out your body. ESPECIALLY exam time. This can lead to sudden breakouts of spots, acne, blackheads and pimples.

Sleep improves your memory

When you are deprived from sleep, you get that "foggy" feeling where you either just sit daydreaming or your mind simply wonders off. This leads to memory issues. However, when you sleep, your brain is able to better process new knowledge, memories and experiences which increases your understanding and memory.

Sleep makes you less moody

An insufficient amount of sleep may cause you to be agitated or moody throughout the following day. If you continue this pattern of lack of sleep, you may start suffering from long-term mood disorders such as anxiety or depression.

Sleep helps you control body weight problems

Sleep deprivation leads to distruption of the hormones causing your appetite to increase. These are not the type of cravings that make you lean towards fruits and veggies, oh no, instead you will face a growing craving for junk food.

I have actually started procrastinating about what to write and when for this book but I have finally got to it! Also, it takes a very long time for me to give you the best answers and updates I can and I also double-check it to make sure it is done to a high standard. Hope you enjoyed this or found it interesting. Any other benefits of sleep?

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