Being Sick Sucks

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I'm currently lying in bed surrounded by masses of tissues; so much that I no longer know whether they are clean or not. In fact I don't even care anymore because once you come within a two meter radius of me (omg, I just sneezed 5 times in a row) it is guaranteed that my great bacterial companions will have already declared war on your white  blood cells (For those of you who have studied and paid attention to this in Science you should understand). For the past 3 days I have been stuck indoors forced to drink all kinds of sour lemony Lemsip crap and even though having a blocked nose has taken away both my sense of smell and taste, the intensity of the sour lemon still comes through... AGHHHH!  It's just the biggest pain in the ass since I realised I have a  major project due in a few days and an upcoming Maths exam this week but here I am. Sniffling. Coughing. Feeling like death. In bed. Also becoming familiar with the sensation of digested food rising up my esophagus...YAY! 

Just thought you'd like a little friendly reminder of what having the flu/cold does :)

Well, It's winter so here's what you can do to both prevent the cold and kind of cure yourself (or speed up the recovery process.


If someone you know is sick try keeping your distance. It's not rude to just admit it but by not doing so they might think you're deliberately avoiding them and take it personally.

Wash your hands frequently.

Avoid touching your nose, eyes and mouth to prevent transmission.

Eat plenty of leafy green veg to strengthen your immune system.

This one should be quite obvious but don't share cups, drinks or any other personal items.


Take a hot shower; the steam should clear your head, help you to decongest and gives your body the relaxation it needs. If like me you are prone to dizziness when you're sick I suggest you take a little plastic stool or chair with you to sit on.

Make sure you take the correct medicine if symptoms persist such as decongestants (opens up nasal passages to unblock your nose),  paracetamols  and ibuprofen (pain and fever relief). PLEASE finish the whole course of antibiotics if you have been prescribed one because yes, during the middle of your antibiotic course you may be feeling better and see no reason to continue the course. Actually, the bacteria are still living in you and are now simply weakened. As soon as you stop your course without actually finishing it, the bacteria figure out ways to become resistant to that antibiotic and come back fighting stronger making you even more ill.

Try not to eat too many junk foods and instead eat lots of fruit and veg. DRINK LOTS OF WATERRR!

Don't move around too much and focus on resting and recovering.

Heyoguysssss, so to be honest I only really depend on medicine and endless hours in bed but comment down any other prevention or recovery tips for me to add. 

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