26. Just Because

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When no one can think of logical answers to why they can't do things.  

Online: The_Captain, I_Hate_Spiders

The_Captain: hey Kwazii

I_Hate_Spiders: hi 

The_Captain: do u wanna help me get the algae off the Gup A

I_Hate_Spiders: sorry, I can't 

The_Captain: why not?

I_Hate_Spiders: ...

I_Hate_Spiders: just because

The_Captain: excuse 

I_Hate_Spiders: what?! no way! 

The_Captain: then why can't u?

I_Hate_Spiders: cos I'm busy 

The_Captain: busy doing what?

I_Hate_Spiders: ...something

The_Captain: can u finishing ur "something" later?

I_Hate_Spiders: no 

The_Captain: why not? 

I_Hate_Spiders: just because 

The_Captain: *sighs* 


Online: Screws&Bolts, The_Captain

The_Captain: hi Tweak 

Screws&Bolts: oh hey Cap

The_Captain: do u wanna help me with something?

Screws&Bolts: sure. what do u need?

The_Captain: I need help cleaning the Gup A from all that algae 

Screws&Bolts: ...sorry Cap, I can't right now. 

The_Captain: why not?

Screws&Bolts: cos I just remembered that I promised Dashi we could play video games together 

The_Captain: can u tell her u can do it later?

Screws&Bolts: no 

The_Captain: how come?

Screws&Bolts: ...just because 

The_Captain: *sighs* ok


Online: Pink_Camera, The_Captain

Pink_Camera: hi Captain

The_Captain: oh hi Dashi 

Pink_Camera: do u need something?

The_Captain: actually, yes. Can u help me clean the Gup A?

Pink_Camera: uh, sorry Captain. I told Tweak I would help her make a few, umm, tweaks on the Gup, uh, the Gup K

The_Captain: That's funny, because Tweak just told me u were going to play video games with her...

Pink_Camera: huh? oh. she must have, umm, gotten confused... about something

The_Captain: ok... can u ask her if u can help later

Pink_Camera: no

The_Captain: why?

Pink_Camera: just because 

The_Captain: why is - 

Pink_Camera: sorry Captain! gotta go!

                              Pink_Camera has logged off

The_Captain: what is going on today?! 

                            Later (again)

Online: The_Captain, Screws&Bolts, I_Hate_Spiders, Pink_Camera

The_Captain: can anyone help me clean the Gup A?

Screws&Bolts: sorry Cap. no can do 

Pink_Camera: me neither 

I_Hate_Spiders: neither can I 

The_Captain: why not?

Screws&Bolts: just because ;)

Pink_Camera: just because ;)

I_Hate_Spiders: just because ;)

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