64. Monster Under the Bed

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When Tweak thinks she saw a monster under her bed. Yes, you heard me. It was Tweak

Online: CrunchyCarrots, TheKwaz, FlappityFlippers, 

                                  SaySeaweed has logged on 

SaySeaweed: guys something's hit the satellite 

SaySeaweed: the lights in the Octopod might turn off 

                                  *Lights turn off*

                                   SuperStrength has logged on 

SuperStrength: what's going on?

SuperStrength: I was reading my book and then the lights turned off

SaySeaweed: something hit the satellite 

SuperStrength: oh that makes sense 

FlappityFlippers: it's so dark

FlappityFlippers: I don't like all this dark 

SaySeaweed: me neither 

SaySeaweed: I'm coming to give u a hug Peso :)

FlappityFlippers: aww thanks Dashi :)

CrunchyCarrots: ...

CrunchyCarrots: ...

SuperStrength: what is it Tweak?

CrunchyCarrots: ...I saw a monster 

CrunchyCarrots: under the bed

TheKwaz: a monster? this I gotta see

CrunchyCarrots: there's a shadow 

CrunchyCarrots: its moving 

CrunchyCarrots: it has 2 sticks at the top 

CrunchyCarrots: oh wait thats my shadow 

SaySeaweed: XD


CrunchyCarrots: I SAW THE MONSTER 

CrunchyCarrots: IT'S UNDER THE BED

CrunchyCarrots: KWAZII HELP 

TheKwaz: don't worry I'm coming 

CrunchyCarrots: don't worry? how can I not worry?! there's a monster and it's under my bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CrunchyCarrots: r u here yet?

TheKwaz: I'm coming 

CrunchyCarrots: ...so ur not here yet


CrunchyCarrots: I see u 

CrunchyCarrots: ur here now 

TheKwaz: show me this monster 

CrunchyCarrots: its under the bed

CrunchyCarrots: EEEEEIK IT MOVED

CrunchyCarrots: GET IT OUT

TheKwaz: that might be a bit hard with u clinging onto me 

CrunchyCarrots: oops sorry

TheKwaz: I don't see anything 

TheKwaz: I wanted to see the monster :(

CrunchyCarrots: I don't 

CrunchyCarrots: I want it to get out 

SuperStrength: are you sure it was a monster?

SuperStrength: not just another shadow or something?

CrunchyCarrots: it's moving and it has tentacles 

TheKwaz: I can confirm it does have tentacles 


TheKwaz: HELP 

SuperStrength: wow even Kwazii's scared now 

SaySeaweed: I gave Peso a hug and how I'm coming down to see the monster 

CrunchyCarrots: someone get it out 

CrunchyCarrots: its tentacles r swishing and it's creeping me out 

CrunchyCarrots: HELP I'M SCARED 

TheKwaz: ME TOO

CrunchyCarrots: HELP 

CrunchyCarrots: HELP

TheKwaz: HELP 

CrunchyCarrots: HELP 

SaySeaweed: chill I'm here 

SaySeaweed: now it's up to me to get the monster out, because Kwazii and Tweak r refusing to let go of each other 

SaySeaweed: they're clinging onto each other like their lives depend on it

CrunchyCarrots: they do

CrunchyCarrots: the monster might get us 

SaySeaweed: it's kinda cute to be honest

SuperStrength: the monster?

SaySeaweed: no, Kwazii and Tweak 

SuperStrength: oh, got it

CrunchyCarrots: YOU'VE GOT IT 


TheKwaz: WE'RE SAVED!!!!!!!!!

SaySeaweed: Tweak it's just that stupid octopus plush u got from the aquarium! XD

CrunchyCarrots: oh. umm, yeah, I knew that 

TheKwaz: yeah, umm, so did I. I was, umm, playing a trick on u guys 

SaySeaweed: oh suuuure ;)

SaySeaweed: ...u know u can let go of each other now :/

CrunchyCarrots: oh. right. 

CrunchyCarrots: I should go fix that satellite 

TheKwaz: and I'll come with u, because, umm, I have to make sure no sea monsters try to attack u

SuperStrength: (he's just scared to be by himself)

SaySeaweed: (I know) ;)

TheKwaz: I can hear u 

TheKwaz: or read u, whatever u want to call it

SuperStrength: we know ;)

TheKwaz: by the way, I wasn't scared 

TheKwaz: I was just pretending to be scared to scare Tweak 

SaySeaweed: sure u were Kwazii 

SuperStrength: we know u were actually scared Kwazii

SuperStrength: (let's leave before he thinks of a comeback)

SaySeaweed: (ok) ;)

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