101. Stupid Inventions

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I can't believe this is the 101st chapter already! Thank you to everyone who reads these stories, and I'm so glad you enjoy them! 

Kwazii makes something and tries to use it, but it's a very dumb idea.

(Here go the new usernames (2 of them anyway), thanks to everyone who suggested them!)

Online: AwesomePirate, CarrotQueen

AwesomePirate: hey Tweaky I made a thing!!

CarrotQueen: what thing :/

AwesomePirate: you sit in it

AwesomePirate: and you get someone else to push you

AwesomePirate: so yeah :D

CarrotQueen: um

CarrotQueen: nice :/

CarrotQueen: please don't use it you'll probably hurt yourself

AwesomePirate: no I won't, it's very secure

CarrotQueen: bet it's not

AwesomePirate: yes it is, I made it and I'm awesome

CarrotQueen: so you've said

AwesomePirate: so it must be safe

CarrotQueen: only one of us is a qualified engineer, and it's not you

AwesomePirate: how hard can it be

CarrotQueen: pretty hard :/

AwesomePirate: meh

AwesomePirate: I've seen you do it, and it looks pretty easy

CarrotQueen: probably because I know how to do it

AwesomePirate: well my thing is made out of a box and some pot lids that I stole from the Vegimals

AwesomePirate: I'm recycling :)

CarrotQueen: I bet the Vegimals weren't too happy about that ;)

AwesomePirate: they weren't

AwesomePirate: but I just ran off with the lids so I didn't have to face them

AwesomePirate: by the way Tunip is really scary when he's mad 

CarrotQueen: omg what did he do 

AwesomePirate: he tried to hit me with a frying pan

CarrotQueen: hang on I need to see that XD 

AwesomePirate: too late now 

AwesomePirate: I have a box-car :)

CarrotQueen: I wanna see your box car 

AwesomePirate: no it's mine 

CarrotQueen: but I want to see it 

AwesomePirate: and I don't want you to see it 

CarrotQueen: why not?

AwesomePirate: because I said so 

CarrotQueen: well tough carrot sticks 

CarrotQueen: I'm the engineer, I get to see the box car 

AwesomePirate: my box car 

CarrotQueen: fine, your  box car 

CarrotQueen: I'm coming to see it 

AwesomePirate: fine

AwesomePirate: behold, a one-of-a-kind invention, THE BOX CAR!!!!!!!! Wooooo!!! Yeah!!!!!! *claps* :D :D 

AwesomePirate: ...why aren't you clapping :/

CarrotQueen: ...it's just a box :/

CarrotQueen: with pot lids stuck on it :/

AwesomePirate: ...

CarrotQueen: it probably doesn't even move 

AwesomePirate: :(

AwesomePirate: yeah but...

AwesomePirate: I worked very hard on it 

AwesomePirate: I had to make the box the right size, and then stick on the wheels and they kept falling off and- 

CarrotQueen: it looks like something a baby would make 

AwesomePirate: oh 

AwesomePirate: I'm not an engineer, I just wanted to make something :(

CarrotQueen: maybe I can help you make it again? but more... usable? 

AwesomePirate: ...really? 

CarrotQueen: sure :)

AwesomePirate: that would be awesome, thanks tweak :)  


Online: AwesomePirate, CarrotQueen 

CarrotQueen: ok, now we just need to screw the cover on and we're done!

AwesomePirate: yay! 

CarrotQueen: you wanna do the honours? ;)

AwesomePirate: hehehehehe yessssss

CarrotQueen: no no no not that one 

CarrotQueen: the wrench 

CarrotQueen: that's a spanner 

CarrotQueen: you need a screwdriver 

AwesomePirate: I don't know what that is :/

CarrotQueen: it's the yellow one 

AwesomePirate: ah, colours, now you're speaking my language ;)

CarrotQueen: yeah now you just screw it on

AwesomePirate: ...I did it!

CarrotQueen: you did it, good job! :D

CarrotQueen: also look how cool my screwdriver is

CarrotQueen: it has a little thing at the bottom with different shape tops 

CarrotQueen: so I can change it depending on what type of screw it is :D

AwesomePirate: that's cool matey

CarrotQueen: yeah

CarrotQueen: anyway, you wanna test the box-car? 


CarrotQueen: ok, press the red button! 

AwesomePirate: IT STARTED

AwesomePirate: OMG IT STARTED

AwesomePirate: IT WORKS

AwesomePirate: IT ACTUALLY WORKS!!

CarrotQueen: yup XD

AwesomePirate: one question, what are we gonna do with it? :S

CarrotQueen: I'll turn it into a Gup 

CarrotQueen: it's really small so it can be for the Vegimals 

AwesomePirate: good idea :D

CarrotQueen: and you can give them their pots back now XD

AwesomePirate: yeah, if I can get them off the box XD


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