111. I'll Miss You

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This takes place a few days before the Mariana Trench Adventure episode. 

Just Tweak and Dashi talking I guess. 

Online: CarrotQueen, PinkPuppy 

PinkPuppy: hey Tweaky what are you doing

CarrotQueen: I just finished building the door for the Octo-Lab 

PinkPuppy: it's looking great :)

CarrotQueen: thanks

CarrotQueen: I ran out of green paint lol

PinkPuppy: oh oof

PinkPuppy: I'll get you more when I go shopping because apparently it's my turn to do that 

CarrotQueen: thanks 

PinkPuppy: I'm going to Kmart if you wanna come ;)

CarrotQueen: I do like Kmart 

PinkPuppy: I know ;)

CarrotQueen: ...maybe I'll go 

CarrotQueen: I'll think about it

PinkPuppy: YESSSSS


CarrotQueen: I said I'll think about it 

PinkPuppy: I'm taking it as a yes for now 

CarrotQueen: ok you do that 

PinkPuppy: ...are you ok? :S

CarrotQueen: um 

CarrotQueen: yeah 

PinkPuppy: cmon you know you can tell me

CarrotQueen: how did you even know 

PinkPuppy: I know you too well

PinkPuppy: I know something's wrong when you don't use emoticons 

CarrotQueen: oh

CarrotQueen: I didn't even notice that XD

PinkPuppy: don't try to get out of telling me because you're embarrassed 

CarrotQueen: and again I ask how did you even know 

PinkPuppy: tweak 

PinkPuppy: tell me what's wrong

CarrotQueen: ... 

CarrotQueen: ...I'm gonna miss you 

CarrotQueen: when you and Shellington go to the trench

PinkPuppy: oh tweaky I'll miss you too

PinkPuppy: we're gonna call each other every day though, right? :)

CarrotQueen: multiple times a day 

PinkPuppy: and text each other all the time :)

CarrotQueen: yeah 

CarrotQueen: but I can't give you hugs every time I see you :(

CarrotQueen: and I won't have anyone to play video games with 

CarrotQueen: and no one will tell me to go to bed 

PinkPuppy: you hate it when I tell you to go to bed :/

CarrotQueen: yeah but otherwise I would be tired 

PinkPuppy: you could just go to bed earlier

CarrotQueen: eh that sounds like not working 

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