74. Back in my Day

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This is a request from Burritogirlboss

When Inkling tells the rest of the Octonauts one of those 'back in my day' stories. XD

Online: SaySeaweed, CrunchyCarrots, ProfessorInk, TheKwaz, FlappityFlippers, JumpingJellyfish

SaySeaweed: Tweak, what's 468x537?

CrunchyCarrots: idk

CrunchyCarrots: look it up

SaySeaweed: ok

SaySeaweed: it's 25,1316

CrunchyCarrots: cool

CrunchyCarrots: why did u need to know anyway?

SaySeaweed: I was just curious lol

ProfessorInk: Your younger generation is so lucky to have the internet.

ProfessorInk: Back in my day...

CrunchyCarrots: oh god 

CrunchyCarrots: why did u start this Dashi? D:

SaySeaweed: ur the one that told me to look it up!

CrunchyCarrots: true

ProfessorInk: Back in my day, we didn't have any internet. 

ProfessorInk: We had to work things out for ourselves, not just look it up.

ProfessorInk: And we had to find other ways to entertain ourselves. Like making things with sticks outside. 

CrunchyCarrots: I used to make things with sticks! 

TheKwaz: that sounds like something u would do XD

SaySeaweed: we entertain ourselves in other ways. we play table tennis, volleyball, roll around in the HQ yelling that we're bored...

FlappityFlippers: yeah, that's always fun ;)

ProfessorInk: If we didn't know how to get somewhere, we had to find it on a map, instead of looking up the directions on one of those fancy GPS systems. 

SaySeaweed: oh that would have been sad 

TheKwaz: it's only been like 5 minutes of this conversation, and I'm already bored

CrunchyCarrots: 'Back in my day' stories r always boring 

CrunchyCarrots: and considering Kwazii's non-existent attention span, he is probably twice as bored as the rest of us 

SaySeaweed: I honestly don't think that's possible 

SaySeaweed: I'm so bored I'm literally about to fall asleep

SaySeaweed: but my brain keeps telling me to work out math problems 

SaySeaweed: idk why 

SaySeaweed: what's 6x7?

CrunchyCarrots: 42

CrunchyCarrots: big brain, quick math

TheKwaz: lol

ProfessorInk: We had to watch videos in black and white, if we even had a video player. 

ProfessorInk: We never had any of those colour ones you have today. 

TheKwaz: no coloured tv?!?!?! the olden days are scary!!!

ProfessorInk: We didn't have mobile phones. No one tried to invent anything fancy like this contraption, which I have finally figured out how to work.

CrunchyCarrots: omg, he worked out how to use it?!?!?!

SaySeaweed: I find that very hard to believe 

TheKwaz: same 

ProfessorInk: There are also many things we had back then, that you don't have now.

TheKwaz: like proper grammar? XD

CrunchyCarrots: omg Kwazii XD

                                   SuperStrength has logged on

SuperStrength: hi guys what r u doing?

SaySeaweed: listening to Inkling tell us one of his 'back in my day' stories 

SuperStrength: I'm going to leave before I get dragged into this 

                                   SuperStrength has logged off

SaySeaweed: we should probably leave too

CrunchyCarrots: I'm so bored, I'd rather do this than do nothing 

TheKwaz: surely "nothing" is more fun than this...

CrunchyCarrots: that's true 

ProfessorInk: Back in my day...

                                    CrunchyCarrots has logged off

                                    SaySeaweed has logged off

                                     TheKwaz has logged off

ProfessorInk: Hey!

ProfessorInk: Come back!

ProfessorInk: They left me. :(

ProfessorInk: Look! I did an emoticon!

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