35. Story of a Scar

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When Kwazii crashes into Tweak and gives her a scar.

Online: Screws&Bolts, I_Hate_Spiders, The_Captain

Screws&Bolts: I have a scar because of u

I_Hate_Spiders: it wasn't my fault!

Screws&Bolts: oh sure. it wasn't your fault that you were driving the Gup B too fast, and crashed into me 

Screws&Bolts: and you also crashed into the reef

Screws&Bolts: and u killed 3 fish 

The_Captain: umm, what?!

Screws&Bolts: Kwazii crashed into me and the reef, and squished 3 fish in the process 

I_Hate_Spiders: again, it wasn't my fault

The_Captain: r u ok Tweak?

Screws&Bolts: yes, other than the scar that I will have for the rest of my life

The_Captain: Kwazii, u can't press the turbo button on the Gup B just for fun

The_Captain: it's only for emergencies 

I_Hate_Spiders: yeah, but it's fun

Screws&Bolts: u know what's not fun? fixing the Gup B almost every day!

The_Captain: honestly, considering that he crashed into you, I'm surprised Kwazii didn't kill you along with the fish 

I_Hate_Spiders: I thought u would be mad about the fish XD

The_Captain: well, yeah I am, kind of. I know u would never do it on purpose.

Screws&Bolts: he probably tried to kill me, but ended up killing the fish instead 

The_Captain: probably XD

I_Hate_Spiders: I'm just sad that the Gup B is broken again and I can't go out 

Screws&Bolts: IT'S UR OWN FAULT 

I_Hate_Spiders: it's not my fault u put a turbo in the Gup B 

Screws&Bolts: ...u asked me to do it! 

I_Hate_Spiders: shut up Tweak

The_Captain: this conversation is hilarious XD

Screws&Bolts: NO IT'S NOT!!!!!!

The_Captain: it kinda is... XD

I_Hate_Spiders: it's not funny 

I_Hate_Spiders: the Gup B is crashed and that's never funny 

Screws&Bolts: except for when u forget to put on ur helmet and press the eject button and then come back to the Octopod coughing and spluttering. that's funny. 

I_Hate_Spiders: maybe for you, only because u enjoy watching me almost die 

Screws&Bolts: yes, I do. it is highly amusing.

I_Hate_Spiders: it's really not 

The_Captain: it is...

I_Hate_Spiders: not u too!

The_Captain: yes, me too

Screws&Bolts: hehehehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehe

I_Hate_Spiders: *pouts* 

The_Captain: I'm enjoying this conversation XD

I_Hate_Spiders: hmph

Screws&Bolts: it's not funny that I have a scar for life 

The_Captain: ok, that's not funny 

I_Hate_Spiders: yeah, sorry Tweak 

Screws&Bolts: but ur actually not sorry 

I_Hate_Spiders: I am 

Screws&Bolts: r not 

I_Hate_Spiders: I am 

Screws&Bolts: r not 

The_Captain: GUYS GUYS GUYS 

I_Hate_Spiders: I actually am sorry tho 

Screws&Bolts: stop pretending 

The_Captain: no one cares just stop fighting 

I_Hate_Spiders: we're not fighting!

The_Captain: oh suuure

Screws&Bolts: bye guys I'm going to fix Kwazii's stupid Gup 

I_Hate_Spiders: I'll help 

Screws&Bolts: oh pleeease. all you're good for is breaking things

I_Hate_Spiders: oy!

I_Hate_Spiders: RUDE

Screws&Bolts: but accurate ;)

The_Captain: *rolls eyes* 

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