95. Randomness

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I can't believe this is the 95th part! Thanks to everyone who reads these stories, I'm really glad you guys like them. It's about time I changed the usernames, but I can't think of any so if you guys have any ideas, I'd love to hear them! XD

(Also we hit 10,000 views!!!) 

Online: TheKwaz, SaySeaweed, CrunchyCarrots, JumpingJellyfish 

TheKwaz: has anyone seen Peso? 

CrunchyCarrots: no, but he's probably in the Sick Bay because this workaholic penguin needs a break :S

SaySeaweed: true

TheKwaz: I already checked there cos I'm not stupid 

JumpingJellyfish: fair enough

CrunchyCarrots: you thought a screwdriver was a spanner :/

CrunchyCarrots: that's stupid in my book :P

TheKwaz: they literally look exactly the same 

CrunchyCarrots: they literally don't :/

                                   FlappityFlippers has logged on

FlappityFlippers: I may be the youngest in the crew, but I'm proud to say that I just grounded the Captain 

SaySeaweed: woohoo go Peso!

CrunchyCarrots: yaaas

TheKwaz: get him Peso!

JumingJellyfish: finally 

                                   SuperStrength has logged on

SuperStrength: I just got grounded by the youngest person in the crew, which is very humiliating considering I'm the captain 

CrunchyCarrots: is someone gonna tell us what happened, I wanna hear the story XD

FlappityFlippers: Captain got stung by a jellyfish (again) and he didn't tell me 

TheKwaz: Captaaaain D:

JumpingJellyfish: again?! 

CrunchyCarrots: seriously? D: D:

SaySeaweed: bad bear :(

SuperStrength: I was fine 

FlappityFlippers: you were not fine 

FlappityFlippers: jellyfish stings need to be treated immediately before they get worse

SaySeaweed: what happens if it gets worse? :S

FlappityFlippers: bad things :(

SuperStrength: I didn't want you guys to worry 

JumpingJellyfish: I think I can speak for everyone when I say we're more worried that you didn't tell us :/

CrunchyCarrots: yup

TheKwaz: that's for sure

SuperStrength: now I'm grounded :(

FlappityFlippers: you deserved it

JumpingJellyfish: Peso's finally punishing the Captain, this is great! :D

SaySeaweed: we need to celebrate or something, this is a big achievement XD

TheKwaz: 3 cheers for Peso!!!!!! :D

CrunchyCarrots: yaaaaaay! 

TheKwaz: that was only one cheer 

CrunchyCarrots: it counts as three

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