Chapter 26

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I went to my room and saw that homeless kid reading his book while laying on my bed. Let me repeat, mY bED.

"Yah! Get your ass away from my bed!" I shrieked and he was just staring at me as if he's innocent and I scoffed.

I grabbed his other book which is thick and threw it to his face but it hit his thigh instead and he squealed in pain. He sat down and rubbed his thigh while keep hissing.

Heh, you just got deserve.

"YAH!" He yelled and I gave him my sheepish smile while scratching my head.

"Don't you know that it's not good to throw books away?!" He scolded and I just rolled my eyes.

"What? Do you think that it's good to read books that close when it's pretty dark in this room?!" I scolded back and he scoffed.

"Did you just talked back to me just now?" He asked raising his right eyebrow and I just chuckled bitterly.

"Put this book back to my shelf." He instructed sternly and I gave him my disbelief look and he continued laying on my bed reading his book.

I groaned as I grabbed his book and put it properly back to his shelf and I heard him chuckling. I shoot him my poker face.

"YAH!! MY BED!!" I shrieked.

"Haish, I was just passing by but I heard you yelling. What happened?" Grandma in all of the sudden approached and asked.

"Grandma!! This emo is laying on my bed!!" I muttered and she sighed heavily.

"When will you both stop fighting and just be close already." She said and shook her head.

"There's no way that I'm going to be close with this brat. Even though he's my friend. I mean, unoffically my friend." I rebuked and he scoffed.

"Whatever." Grandma said and walked away leaving the both of us.

This pathetic emo stood up and sat beside the window and continued reading his book.

"Seriously, what's so good about books that he even became that obsessed." I mumbled and he cleared his throat which I take as he heard me.

"Seriously, what's so good about her bed that she even got mad when I layed there. It's not even comfy." He imitiated and I shoot him my death glare.

He smiled sheepishly at me and I threw my pillow to his face. Suddenly a poker face plastered on his face and I chuckled as I sticked out my tongue.

He checked his watch and went to the toilet. I frowned with his sudden action. He's not even mad? Wew.

Like three minutes later, he went out wearing an outfit as if he's going on a date soon. I frowned looking at him.

"Are you going for a date?" I asked raising my left eyebrow and he stared at me with the poker face.

"Yeah, a date." He replied emphasizing the word date and I scoffed. Heh, am not jealous..

Okay, why did he keep staring..

"Why did you keep staring at me like that? It creeps the hell me out.." I mumbled and he chuckled bitterly.


"Seokmin ah, did you know that Wonwoo went to a date yesterday..?" I asked with a frown and he frowned too.

"Yesterday? What are you talking about? He's with the four of us. We were enjoying our time just like we used to be. It's not even a date, it's more likely a dudely day out." Seokmin explained and I made a disbelief face.


"Why?" Seokmin asked and I just shook my head as I smiled.

"He told me that he's going on a date." I stated and suddenly made a I'll-kill-you-later-pathetic-homeless-guy face.

"Come on, why don't we have lunch together?" Seokmin offered and I just smiled.

We was walking and I saw Chan and Mingyu. We went to them and together we went to the cafeteria to eat lunch.

"Where is Wonwoo and Soonyoung hyung?" Chan asked and we all shrugged.

It is better if they don't join us. I mean, Soonyoung is better but not that homeless emo.

Chan suddenly chuckled and we all stared at him blankly.

"I suddenly remember that Soonyoung hyung fell to the ground when he was trying to make joke for us." He stated chuckling and the three of them laughed while I'm here knowing nothing.

"He also broke the mini fan and he quickly hide it!" Seokmin exclaimed and they all bursted out into laughter.

Okay.. I know nothing..

"Was it really fun?" I suddenly asked.

"Are you kidding? It is more than fun when you combined the five of us together." Mingyu teased and I just chuckled bitterly.

They keep talking about their 'dudely day out' while I'm just sitting while eating knowing nothing.

Being a silent listener.

"Next time, noona should join the five of us too!" Chan offered and I just smiled in an awkward way.

"Thanks Chan.." I smiled and he smiled back.


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