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Noeul and I are now busy preparing for our picnic foods and stuffs since we all planned to go to the park to have a picnic today.

"How are you and Wonwoo doing?" She asked me.

"We're doing fine." I smiled.

"So, tell me what kind of boyfriend Wonwoo is." She smirked.

"That one boyfriend every girls wish to have." I answered, we both ended up laughing.

"Yah! Seokmin you're Noeul's boyfriend so please do put the mat to the van!" Soonyoung yelled.

"Seriously? It's just a damn light mat so why is Noeul's boyfriend be necessary to put it in while you can do it yourself?" He raised his right eyebrow and Soonyoung glared at him.

"Alright." Seokmin gave up and folded the mat before putting it into the van. Chan is helping the both of us to put the foods properly to the baskets.

Mingyu and Wonwoo are busy preparing for the spoons, forks, plates, cups and drinks.

When we all finished, we put everything into the van and went to the park. During our way, it was full of Soonyoung and Seokmin being loud, singing random songs.

As we arrived, Seokmin put the mat on the ground properly and we all put the picnic stuffs in the middle of the mat while we sat in circle.

"Oh wait! I sit at the wrong spot! Wonwoo hyung is the one who should sit beside Hara noona..." Chan teased and I just ignored while they all laughed.

Wonwoo sat beside me and smiled at me.

"What should we do now?" Seokmin asked.

"I bring my disc! Let's play frisbee!!" Soonyoung exclaimed.

"That ufo-flying-like game?" Mingyu asked with a frown and Soonyoung nodded his head.

"Alright, let's play!" Chan grabbed all his hyung to come and play with him. We both just laugh seeing them.

The five of them started to play frisbee while we girls just watch over them.

"Wonwoo doesn't seems to be active in sports." Noeul said and I chuckled.

"Yeah, he likes book so.."

"Look at Chan, he's so cute. The four of them keep teasing him." Noeul added.

While waiting, we both prepared the food properly incase they're hungry after playing.

"Let's eAT!!!!" Soonyoung exclaimed loudly as he rushed to us and they all laughed.

They all took seats again and served themselves with the foods.

"Do you want that one too?" Seokmin asked to Noeul and she nodded. Soonyoung and I cleared our throats sarcastically at the same time and laughed for the coincidence.

"Seokmin, I think that it's obvious that Noeul can do it by herself." Mingyu teased and Seokmin shoot him a death glare.

"Just tell me already that you're jealous~" He teased back and Mingyu chuckled bitterly.

"Just stop already, just eat." Soonyoung scolded and they all smiled sheepishly.

After eating that was full of Soonyoung, Seokmin and Mingyu talking, we cleaned up everything.

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