Ep 27

874 48 10

PoV: Shadow

"You found him!" Rouge ran up and hugged Sonic who was still peacefully sleeping.

"He was with the master emerald, he fell asleep as soon as I grabbed him," Decoe proudly stated.

"You have a use for once," I checked his body for any markings or injuries. He was perfectly fine, "let's take him back to the room. The cameras were off and the body disposed of. Eggman is to know nothing. Rouge, hack in a erase all the footage of and records of the prisoner he killed today. That man never existed."

"Understood," she gave Sonic to me and I carried him back to the room. He was after the master emerald, but he had already located it before, why would he need to find it again?

  Sonic slept for hours with no change. I waited besides his bed. You were so much easier to handle before Eggman told us to track the Master Emerald. Something changed on that trip, I know it did. What happened? I was with you the whole time, what did I miss?

"Mm..." I felt the bed shift, Sonic was waking up. I looked back and he opened his eyes. They still yellow...

"Sonic, you're still possessed..." I grabbed him, "No more killing. That's an order-" he kissed me. I felt his arms around me as he tried to deepen the kiss. I pushed him back, but he wouldn't release his hug, "Now's not the time for that. You need to be punished. You took a life today-"

"Shadow~" he smiled and suddenly I was no longer able to move.

"What the hell did you do?!" I don't see anything. How is he-

"Aishitemasu~♡" he whispered into my ear.

"You're the master emerald..." Why hadn't I realized his behavior before?! He used to steal toys and beg for sex. Suddenly he was set on world domination and death... the chaos emeralds and Master emeralds. They had been possessing him.

"Mmh~ mh~ mm~♡!" He was humming as held my neck. I only thoughts were that he was going to attempt to kill me. I had no idea what he was thinking. Not even a clue. He moved his right hand off the left side of my neck and licked me.

  He kissed me earlier, does he want sex? This would be ideal if I wasn't restrained.

  My second guess was another mistake. I was met with a hard bite from Sonic. This wasn't a normal bite. The location, his pressure. He had claimed me.

"Stop biting damn it," I couldn't jerk him off. If he kept biting there would be no chance of the scar fading. He bit down harder. I froze as I heard the sound of him swallowing, "What the hell are you doing! Don't swallow the blood that's not good for you!"

  He finally let go and licked the wound clean. His mouth was absolutely covered in blood. I had no way to tell how much blood he managed to drink. Cannibalism alone was reported to make mobians sick, but my blood... I had no idea what effects he'd get.

"Oishī~" Sonic smiled and I could move again. Before I could think of what to do, he collapsed into my arms, once again asleep.

"Shadow, I erased everything- you're bleeding," Rouge came in with Decoe who was guarding the door, "Is that a claim mark..."

"Unfortunately. He was still possessed when he did it. I figured out what's going on with him," I laid Sonic back in bed and tucked him in.

"Wonderful. I was beginning to get scared of him," Decoe sat back down by the outlet and plugged himself in.

"He's being controlled by the Master Emerald. I only know it wants world domination," I placed a bandage on top of the wound, thankfully it wouldn't be too noticeable for now.

"How did you find that out?" Rouge asked.

"His behavior has been worse since angle island," I answered as I grabbed a few wipes to clean the blood from his face.

  It was quiet. Not one of us know what to do or how to help him. Even broken the emerald had this much power over him... If Eggman actually got Knuckles to fix it, what would it do with Sonic?

"Mm... hm?" I heard Sonic shifting again. I remained on high alert as he rolled onto his side. He eyes opened as he hugged the pillow. They were their usual emerald green again. Thank chaos, the possession is over for now.

"You're awake," I placed a hand on his back.

"Yeah-" I watch his cheek shift and his face briefly scrunch up before relaxing.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"I think I bit my tongue..." He answered.

"More like you bit Shadow," Rouge laughed, her joke lightening the mood for a brief laugh.

"Eh?" He looked at me and his face became puffy, "You let me claim you without being awake to enjoy it!!!"

"First of all, I never let you. You caught me off guard and restrained me," I immediately clarified the situation.

"No fair..." he whined, "Let me do it again."

"Absolutely not," I made him sit back.

"Why not! I already did it once!"

"You can claim me sweetie," Rouge grabbed him from behind.

"No thanks," he was back to his usual self for now. We had no idea of telling when he would become possessed again.

  He's going to be so much more difficult. I need to keep him from killing people...

  I sent Sonic to wash up in the bathroom so we could come up with a new ideas to control him while he's possessed by the emerald. His chaos control ment also every idea was impossible. We couldn't come up with a single useful idea. I didn't know enough about Sonic or the emeralds to set a decent trap.

  Damn it, I need to get outside help.



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