Ep 28

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PoV: Shadow

"Are you sure you want to send me?" Decoe was quivering as I handed him the letters he was ment to deliver for me, "Why can't you go?"

"Because I can't leave Sonic unattended anymore. He could lose control any minute, and Rouge is the only other person besides myself who can pin him. So unless you become as strong as the two of us, you're running deliveries. Now go, we only have until five. You need to be back before Sonic wakes up," I pushed him out the door and handed him the map to Tails' house where they last took Sonic.

"Oh... I hate being a message boy. This is Bokkun's job!" He whined as he walked away.

I shut the door and quickly returned to Sonic's room. He was sound asleep, Rouge had been guarding him for me, "How is he?"

"He's been just sleeping. No problems tonight," Rouge answered.

"Get some sleep. I'll take over watching him," I laid in the bed where Rouge had been laying with him.

"Are you going to-" Rouge stopped as I raised a finger to my lips. We both knew Sonic was know to fake sleep. We couldn't be sure he wasn't listening.

"Let's just get some sleep. We can talk about the mission tomorrow," I lied in order to throw Sonic off if he was listening.

I remained awake the entire night, Sonic never moved. He was sound asleep. Still, I needed a better way to keep track of him than being at his side. A way to track him... He's not going to like this.

PoV: Tails

Bang bang bang! There was a loud banging at the door. It was the middle of the night.

"What's going on?" Knuckles was first to get up after me.

"I'm not sure. Stand guard just incase," I walked up to the door and I saw nothing behind the looking glass. When I opened the door one if Eggmans old robots was there.

"Eggman robot," Knuckles readied his fists and the robot panicked.

"Waitwaitwait!!! I don't obey Eggman anymore!!" It ducked, "Shadow sent me! It's about Sonic!"

"Knuckles wait!" Amy ran up to the door, "What about Sonic? What's going on?"

"Please, just let me inside," it replied.

"Okay," I let the bot in and it reintroduced itself as Decoe.

It gave me a letter from Shadow. Inside was everything that happen last night.

"Tails what's it say?" Amy started trying to read over my shoulder.

"It says he's being possessed..." I set the papers down, "So then... he didn't really turn evil..."

"He's possessed? By aliens?!" Sticks panicked.

"No, it's the master emerald. I had no idea it could control people," I flipped through the notes Shadow gave me, "Avoid him at all costs when his eyes turn yellow. The possession is active, and he will not hesitate to kill..."

"When his eyes are yellow? His eyes don't change color," Knuckles commented, "And how are we supposed to tell anyway."

"You idiot. Sonic's eyes are a vibrant emerald green. They turn a bright ruby red when he's in his super form. You can't even notice that?" Amy sighed.

"Amy you're the only one who pays that much attention to his appearance," I kept reading the notes, "When did you guys get to the Master Emerald?"

"A few weeks ago. It took them a week to retrieve it. It's in pieces now. Our next mission is to kidnap Knuckles and make him fix it," Decoe explained.

"How did you find the island?" Knuckles growled, "I hid it away, how dis you find it."

"Eggman used the satellites. He tracked it, but the one who found the emerald is Sonic. He can find them without any help. We aren't sure how. It isn't like how Shadow can sense them. It's as if he knows their exact location," Decoe was explaining everything he could.

He had to leave before the sun rose or Eggman would be suspicious.

"Decoe, keep us updated on everything. Here," I handed him a communicator, "Give this to Shadow."

"I will. But please don't try to kill me when I return," he ran off after taking the communicator.

"You know what this means Tails?" Amy took my hand, "We can finally save him."

"Yeah. Let's save him."



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