Ep 35

446 25 15

PoV: Shadow

It was the end of the mission. Sonic had eluded or destroyed every trap... There was nothing left for the freedom fighters to do... except the large trap in the center of town. And judging by the rounds of explosions, Sonic was already there. I had one of the emeralds, and quickly used it to chaos control to the trap.

"Kaosusupiaringu," when I arrived, Sonic was surrounded by a ring of chaos spears.

What the hell? His power should be restricted. Don't tell me... this is only 20% of what he's capable of!


The spears went flying in all directions. Attacking all the freedom fighters who were surrounding Sonic. I quickly dodged as one came flying after me.

"Oi Shadow. You finally showed up, I knew you would," Sonic had one eye yellow again... "I'm leaving you, you're no longer needed."

"You're what?" I froze as he held out the tracker we had implanted in his arm days ago. He ripped it out of his own arm? When?

"I said I'm leaving you," he crushed the device in his palm. It fell into the rushing water. Sonic stood up on the head of the robot carrying him. He said something into his wrist and smiled.

Eggman's robots were starting to surround us, eyes glowing yellow, just like Sonic's. He's taken control of the entire robot army?!

"Fire!" Sally shouted and the sound of various weapons followed. A cage arose from the water but Sonic quickly kicked it open again. He dodge every bullet, laser, and other attacks without a single scratch.

"You know, these have been a real pain," Sonic grabbed one of the I hibitor rings and it started to glow as he pulled on it.

"Don't let him take those off!" I teleported myself towards him and attacked with a chaos spear. My skates kept me hovering over the water.

"Missed," Sonic was behind me and kicked me out of the way without time to react. I hit rubble, thankfully saving me from the water, "That's one."

He had snapped one of the rings in two, the peices falling, being washed away by the current. He's been able to take the off so easily? Why did he even let me place them on.

"Damn it Sonic!" Sally jumped in on the attack, "You were our hero, what the hell happened?"

Sally swung her two blades, Sonic blocking them and pushing her back, not once falling off the robot he used as a balancing beam. He felt more agile than myself. I had rivaled against Sonic since we met. Yet not once had I ever felt his skill was anywhere above my own. Suddenly now, fighting him once again, his power and abilities seemed to... has he been going easy on me, all this time? Was he always this powerful?

"Arg!" Sally fell into the water after and strong hit from Sonic.

"You look shocked Shadow, what did you really think I was so easily fooled? Or that I was really that powerless? I've defeated far more powerful enemies than you. Now then," he pulled off the next bracelet, "Its time to end this war don't you think?"

"End it? You make it sound nice, but your planing on taking down both sides," I growled, launching a spin attack towards him.

"Boo, it's no if you give away answers~" he deflected my attack and sent be back against Tails. The kid moved out of the way just in time.

"Tsk..." I had crashed into the crumbling building behind him instead. The hard contact left my body aching, "Damn it."

"Shadow!" Tails ran up to me, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I just need to get him under control. Tails, use the failsafe," I ordered him as I went running for one last attack.

"You don't get to control me anymore," Sonic blocked my dash with his own, once again sending me flying into a building.

"Sonic!" Tails shouted, holding the lead box the 3rd chaos emerald had been sealed in.

"Damn it... Watashi o mamotte kudasai," Sonic managed to say one last thing into his wrist before his other eye went yellow. He stopped moving around, and remained there, he was fighting it...

"The robots are here!" The soilders shouted as the hoard of robots began attacking us, myself included.

"Run! These are tougher and usual!" Their usual attacks weren't working. My chaos spear was doing less damage than it should. I ignored them for now and rushed to grab Sonic. I was shot at by beebots as soon as I tried approaching him. The robot was almost completely underwater now. Sonic stood on its palm, staying above water. This is our last chance. I'm not wasting it! I used one last spin attack and grabbed Sonic's waist, dragging him under the roaring water with me. I felt the current begin to slow down, as we were pushed around. I kept Sonic under, he was holding his breath and squirming.

  Maybe it's a good thing this idiot can't swim. We got him...

  I felt something choking me under the water. It was pulling me away from Sonic, but I couldn't see what it was. I lost my grip as the air I had escaped me. I was pulled out of the water by Sally.

"Oh Sally girl," Bunny ran up to help pull me to shore as I caught my breath, "I don't think we can win this one."

"Win or not, what's important is getting Sonic," Sally replied, helping me sit up.

"The water, it's calm," Tails pulled us back, "That's not normal. We haven't closed the hydrants, it should still be flooding..."

A stream of water suddenly shot up from the calm lake and latched itself onto a building. The same on the other side. Water fell from the stream until only a blue chain remained. It looked fluid, and familiar...

"Ah!" Tails had been captured by one of the streams- no it was tentacle...

"No it can't be..." I heard Knuckles from a distance.

"What the hell?" I recognized the fluid holding Tails. It pulled the emerald from his hands before tossing the fox boy into the water.

"It's chaos..." Knuckles grabbed all of us before backing away. We couldn't go far. A hoard of violent robots behind us, and the diety Chaos before us, "Chaos must have fused himself with Sonic, the same way he did with Froggy."

  Sonic came out of the water, standing on the chain made from Chaos. We could all see the 4 tentacles which sprung from his back. Although Sonic was blank, his body wasn't defenseless. And now... he had the chaos emerald from Tails- that's wasn't just it... he had two. Sonic had stolen my emerald from my quills.

"Rouge we have to get back to the ship! Follow Sonic!" I shouted at her. I couldn't use chaos control without that emerald.

"Little busy here!" She had been grabbed by the ankle, preventing her from flying higher from the fight.

"My work here is done. Sayonara~ I'll see you again at for the end of our world~ Chaos Control!" Sonic disappeared, escaping the fight with the only emeralds we could protect.

"No! Damn it!" Robots closed in and started firing at us, "We need to escape from here now!"

  I gathered all the energy I had, and fought through the bots. Spear after spear, attack after attack.

Damn it all! Chaos... he'll only get stronger with each emerald. This was worse than I thought. With all that power...

Sonic really can destroy the entire planet...



Muwahahahaha!!! How many of yall say that coming? There were quite a few hints throughput the book too.

Been waiting to do that reveal for fucking ever. Of course more is gonna happen so hold on.

Love you all~ 😚😚😚

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