Ep 12

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PoV: Sonic

"What's this?" I picked up a light green pebble. It was glowing in my hand, a piece of the Master Emerald. I stuck the pebble in my mouth.

"Sonic, what are you doing?" Shadow grabbed.

"Muphin," I answered, the pebble was still in my mouth.

"You aren't sneaking food are you," Rouge grabbed me by my cheek.

"Mm..." I swallowed it, "No..."

"What did you just swallow?" Shadow growled.

"A rock?" I answered.


"Oh for fuck sake," Shadow tossed me over his shoulder, "I gotta make him puke somewhere."

"I don't have to puke," I answered.

"I don't care. You're spitting up that rock," Shadow started to carry me away...

... then everything started going blurry.
PoV: Shadow

"Shadow, his eyes," Rouge stopped me.

"Finally," I put Sonic down. We had been here for a week and Sonic's eyes were refusing to change color until now, "Sonic, find the Master Emerald."

"It's been broke," he said, "Shattered for its protection..."

  He knew that without ever seeing it. Sonic started walking away, then he began to run. He took off, and we followed him. He brought us to the temple, at the top was the shattered Master emerald Sonic laid down in front of it.

"Shit, we can't use it now," Rouge sighed, "I was so excited to finally have it."

"We haven't lost hope yet," I picked up the pieces, "Sonic might be able to fix it."

  Sonic moved and curled up in the middle of the pile.

"There's someone else who can fix it too," Rouge said.

"I'm not going to bring Knuckles here. The freedom fighters cannot know we have the Master emerald. We wait a day. Sonic can guard the emerald fine like this. We will search the island for any more shards," I ordered.

"Alright," Rouge and I separated to search for shards.

  Even if we take it back in pieces, this is finally turning into a successful mission.

PoV: Sonic


"... where am I?" I sat up and found myself at the top of the temple of the master emerald. Under me, was the master emerald, "We found it."

  I felt its smooth surface, it was missing a small piece. The piece I swallowed.

"It will never work without me now. Knuckles will never get you back," I laughed as I was alone, "Shadow, I hope you like the power I'm giving you. We'll control it together. Fovever."
PoV: Amy

"Why don't you ask your idiot friend?"

  Shadow's words had been bugging me these past two weeks. I never knew why Sonic switched sides. Tails didn't either. Everyone was still healing, we had been helpless for too long.

"Guys," I looked up at them, "We need to talk."

"About what?" Sticks asked as they looked my way.

"About why Sonic Switched sides."



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