Fifty Eight

628 14 2

We were surrounded by rubble and the smell of blood.

A flying piece of debris went flying our way but we weren't fast enough to dodge it completely and it gashed into Maggie's leg and scraped my hand pretty bad.

"Ah shit!" She screeched.
I put my arm under hers to keep her upright and hurriedly tried to get us out of sight. We were both panting and she was breathing unsteadily through the pain.

"It's ok, it's ok. We'll make it!"

Her weight became heavier as she slid down to the floor.

"Maggie. Come on."

She shook her head and wiped the sweat off her cheek.

"I'm tired.."

"I know, I know you are Mags.."

In the distance I heard the familiar voice of my brother. Relief washed over me and I peered around a corner to see him dodging a falling troll.

"Jack!" I screamed.

He looked towards us and immediately ran our way.
He swept Maggie up off the floor hugging her tightly and he sighed and looked at me relieved.

"They're retreating. I think he's getting weaker."

"Weaker? They found the horcruxes?"

"I think so."

"They're taking the dead and wounded to the great hall..well.. what's left of it." He explained and looked at my hand. "You should get that fixed up"

I nodded in understanding and squeezed Maggie's arm. She hugged me using Jack to lean on and I let the built up tears fall down my cheeks.

"You're gonna be alright." I told her.

She smiled weakly and squeezed my hand.

"I love you Mils."

"I love you too."

Jack looked at me intently and took a deep breath.
"I heard some of the Slytherins say they saw him.." He hesitated. "Malfoy."

I looked up with wide eyes.


He just gave a small nod and hoisted Maggie up carrying her towards the great hall.

I was stuck in place for a minute trying to process what my brother had just said. Then I rushed down the hall and down to the dungeons not caring about the traitorous Slytherins trapped there.

After searching in vain for twenty minutes I looked out a window to see the damage outside. Fire was still fresh on the quidditch field and the stands were being scorched to ashes.

My heart ached. The school was destroyed and so many wizards were lost to us. I didn't know if I could bare seeing the dead and wounded.

What would happen now?

I closed my eyes wincing from the sudden throbbing of my hand. I needed to get it bandaged.

I found what was left of a bathroom and held my hand under a broken pipe to wash off the blood and dirt. That hurt like a mother.

I looked around at the broken tile and sniffled trying not to cry again. I was angry, and I was afraid.

I looked at my pathetic reflection in a cracked mirror and wiped some dirt off my cheek. Behind me I could see another figure. My heart skipped a beat once I realized who it was.

Was it really him?

I spun around and grinned at my blond boy.

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