24: You forgot hot lesbian.

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"You call me whenever-.." Violet pushed me out of the shop. "I will call you when Breathtaking Blooms is on fire."

"That is not funny."

"Just go, boss Grace! The shop'll be fine. I got this."

"You promise you to take care of yourself, too."

"And you go and enjoy your weekend cabin with Mr. Architect. Get laid. You need it." I looked back at Josh waiting in his car. Thanking that he didn't hear Violet's loud blabbering mouth. "We'll see about that," I mumbled. "What does that mean?"' She gasped. "Are you gonna break up with him? What's wrong with his dick? It's that lesbian milf, isn't it?" I swear to God, this girl. "You need to keep your mouth shut. You've been hanging out with Mickey way too much."

"Ready to go?" Josh asked when I got in. I waved goodbye to the shop one last time. "Yes. Cabin, here we come." The car hummed and started. "You're going to love it. You need this break."

"I do need this break." I echoed. "You deserve a time out."

"I deserve a time out." I leaned further to the car and relaxed while the morning rolls. I closed my eye and smiled. "I mean look at you. You're getting really skinny. And honey I don't know what's in your makeup pouch but you ain't hiding the dark circles under your eye very well." That woke me up. Now I'm worried. I reached out inside my bag to fish a compact mirror. Is it true? Are they that dark? "Hey. Don't worry, beautiful." He took my hand and kissed the back of it. With that, we drove away.

"Here we are." 5-hour long drive later, I looked out the window to see the most beautiful view I have ever set my eye on. "Oh my Lord. You're right. This is beautiful." The car slowed and halted. "You rented this for the whole weekend?" I asked as he takes his seatbelt off. "I didn't. It's moms.

"I'm sorry. It's what?!" He got out of the car. And so did I. "Will you help me with the bags?"

"Josh, what did you say?" I rushed to him. Making sure that I heard him right. "Help me with the bags?"


"You brought two bags?" He asked. "It's two nights" I ignored the comment. "Whose cabin is this?" I insisted. "My mom's. You know. Tall, dark hair, lesbian." Hot. You forgot hot lesbian. But that's an inappropriate response. "She's not here is she?" He scoffed. "No, of course not. I won't let my mother ruin our weekend together. It's just you and me." I laughed nervously. That's exactly what I'm worried about.

"Wait so you never learned how to ride a bike?" I popped another piece of grape and snuggled in the wooden chair. Josh laughed. "No! My dad never has the time and Elena would crash a bike. She actually did once." Now I'm intrigued. "No way."

"She was teaching me. Something about impressing dad, I guess. But nothing is working and I still can't pedal straight. So I asked her to show me how. She kept making excuses." I can't help but giggle. "One day I came home from school and caught her riding dad's mountain bike in the backyard and drove herself straight into the pool."

"Oh, my God. Elena!" Now I'm bursting into laughter. "Since then she hasn't taught me and we never talked about it." He laughed and held up a bottle. Seeing that it's empty. "I'm gonna get some more beer. Can I get you some?" He asked. "No, I'm good. Thank you."

Picturing Elena riding a bike. And crashing it. Is all but a sweet movie in my head. Well yeah, it's also a little bit funny. Who am I kidding? It was hilarious.

I woke up with a loud thump on the wooden floor. "Sorry." Josh hissed and picked up the power bank that fell from his bag. "You know that there are chargers, right? I have one in my bag if you need it." I yawned and turned my back on him. Not caring how I got in bed in the first place. Or if I'm wearing any clothes. I'll sort all of that tomorrow. "That's not what I'm sorry about," Josh whispered in my ear. He touched my head. I turned to look at him. It's dark but it was obvious that he's wearing his shoes. "I gotta go back to the city." Okay, I'm awake now. "Tonight? But we just got here." I whined like a 3-year-old not getting a pokemon card. "My associates called. They need me back on the site. And it's 4 am."

"All of a more reason for you not to leave!" I sat up. Oh look, I am still wearing my clothes. Which is unfortunate but surprisingly, I'm glad. "I'm so sorry I have to do this." He does look sorry with his eyebrows all down like that. And while I was looking forward to relaxing this weekend with him, I guess his work is just more important. "Okay, I'll go pack." I was about to stand up when he glanced over the clock on the wall. "There's no time." He stood up and took the keys. "You're not leaving me here, are you?" He kissed me on my forehead. On my forehead?! "I'll be back as soon as I can."


"I promise." And out the door, he goes. I went to the kitchen. Now dark and silent and lonely. I'm all alone in a huge cabin at 4 in the morning. I gulped cold water and went back to my cold and empty bed.

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