40: My parents really like you.

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"When are you planning on telling your parents?" I asked as Josh and I walk to Breathtaking Blooms with Pink Bean coffees in our hands. "I guess there's no point in dragging this any longer. They have to know who I really am, right?" I noticed a hence of hesitation in his voice. I still don't get what he's afraid of. His mom is literally gay. But I'm not going into details just how gay. "Well, have you figured out who you are?" I asked. He thought about this and we hit a pause. "Yes. I'm gay. I realized that now." He finally said. "And it's all thanks to you, Grace." It's a little offensive that he only figured out he was gay after we have just gone out. But I guess it goes both ways now that I'm also.. "Listen, I'm thinking of coming out to my parents this Friday evening at their place. Will you come with me? It would really mean a lot." I heard Josh's voice. Halting me from my gender confused thoughts. I took a mental note to revisit it later today. "Why would you need me there?" I asked. "My parents really like you. Especially my mom. She's always so concerned if I'm treating you right and asking about you."

"She is?" I felt warm all over. I tried to suppress my smile but I think it was unsuccessful. I was smiling like a fucking idiot. "Yeah, so what do you say?" There goes that pleading face again. I let out a breath. After seeing how gray Elena looked the last time we spoke, I don't think I'm ready to face that again. I have stuff I need to figure out too. "Friday's just not a good time for me, Josh." He looked disappointed. "This is just something you have to do on your own." We arrived in front of the flower shop. I faced him and rested my palm on his shoulders. "You're going to be fine, Josh. I'm so proud of you. And I'm sure they will, too." He nodded and gave a defeated grin. "Thanks. You're starting to sound like my mom" And that's my cue. Bye-bye now.

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