~: Birth of Daksh :~

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It's been few days since the boy visited. He seems so familiar. But when I heard that he is Magadh raaj Karn's son I didn't let that thought surpass my mind that Daksh is related to me in any way. When I saw him for the first time in dyut sabha I felt he was someone very close to me yet so far who suddenly emerged out of nowhere to save me. But when he called me mata I felt the motherly pangs rising up in my heart. He is special I guess. From the time he left I am thinking only about him and one another person. I don't know where he might be now. For once I felt that Daksh is my first born baby whom I had to abandon years back. But still I was not sure about it as only the name matches, maybe eyes too. What if he is truly my putra Daksh, my Bhairav ( Another name of Daksh) ? No no. It can't be. He is son of Arya Arjun's rival. Sakha Govind promised to give Daksh to someone who is worthy of becoming his father. Why would he give my baby to Karn? It's not possible. But I really loved it when he called me mata. I wished I had a son like him. I wish. The day when I held my first born for the first time in my arms, the day when the mother in me was born, was the best and the worst day of my entire life. The boon of mahadev seems like a curse now.


Indraprastha is growing more prosperous with passage of time. Almost everything was settled over there. The king, eldest among the five Pandavas had been working hard day and night to make his kingdom a happy and prosperous kingdom. The queen, daughter of Agni Dev, Panchali had also been doing her duties with utmost sincerity. Her husbands are  busy in conquering different kingdoms for rajyasuya yajna. Everything is going well.

But the queen seems to be disturbed since the last few weeks. She got 5 husbands having the five qualities each. But what about the 2nd part of the boon? Will it be fulfilled? If yes then how? Who will be father of that child because none of her husbands have all the qualities in them. She started doubting the boon. She wanted to know whether the boon is valid or not. Curiosity was eating her up. And it seems like history was going to repeat itself. She decided to do pray to Mahadev for fulfillment of the boon. She was confident that Pandavas won't reject a Dev Putra. But she didn't want to reveal the boon in front of Pandavas immediately. Because if the boon is not valid then how will she explain herself? So she decided to keep it a secret.

The day passed soon. Yudhishthir came back to his chamber and found Draupadi sitting on the couch and reading some scrolls. She didn't even notice him coming in the chamber. So Yudhisthir thought to speak first.

Yudhishthir: Kalyani.

Draupadi shifted her eyes from to scroll only to see tht Yudhishthir is back.

Draupadi: Arya. Sorry I didn't notice you.

Yudhishthir: It's ok.

There was again silence in that room. Draupadi wanted to speak her thoughts but was hesitating to initiate the conversation.

Draupadi: Arya actually.. I wanted to say something.

Yudhishthir: Yes tell me kalyani.

Draupadi: Arya I think almost everything is settled here in Indraprastha. I wanted to take a long break. And my other husbands are also not going come back so soon. So I thought to pray to Mahadev in the forest for the well being of our family and kingdom. I can also serve the sages.

Yudhishthir: Yes Kalyani. It's a good idea. But for that you have to live in the forest for days. Or maybe months. And I can't leave the kingdom now. I have other duties too.

Draupadi: No no. You don't have to leave . My duties are not too much now. And I think I can manage to live in the forest for few months if you allow me to.

Yudhishthir: Ok then. I allow you to go and live there. But you have only 6 months. Try to return before that. Is that okay?

Draupadi : Yes. Then I shall start preparations to leave within a week.

Yudhishthir nodded his head aggreement.

One week passed soon. Draupadi left with some trusted maids with all the necessary things required for her tapasya. Days past by. Draupadi did rigorous tapasya infront of a huge black shivling to please the supreme lord.

3 months later

It's been 3 months since she is praying to the lord. Suddenly the Shivling started emitting bright light and the supreme lord, Devadidev Mahadev was standing there with a smile on his face.

Mahadev: Open ur eyes putri Draupadi.

Draupadi: Mahadev. You are really here?

Mahadev: Yes Draupadi. I am pleased with your devotion. Now ask want you want.

Draupadi: Hey Mahadev, forgive my curiosity . In my previous life I asked for a son who is righteous, strong, skillful, handsome and knowledgeable and the father of this child also have the same qualities. But lord I divided myself among Pandavas. So I did this Tapasya to get the desired child. Hey Mahadev , I ask you to fulfill the 2nd part of my boon. I want you to bless me with a son with all the 5 qualities.

Mahadev: Tathastu. I grant you the boon that this son of yours will be righteous, strong, skillful, handsome and knowledgeable. He will also be generous and a humble person. He is born for great reasons. He will be ansh of kal bhairav. Though his life will be full of struggles. But he will have his father and his partner to support him through every thik and thin.

Soon a child appeared in Draupadi's arms who was sleeping peacefully. She was too happy and excited. Mahadev then vanished in the thin air. Draupadi soon started to coo the baby. But she still wanted to know Yudhishthir's point of view in this matter. She decided to ask him indirectly and then she would go to the palace along with the baby boy.


💥 BOOM 💥

Surprise guys

The most awaited chapter. BIRTH OF DAKSH.

Missed me? I know you all did.🤭😂

Well I am back now. So lovelies I hope u all are doing well. Today was my last exam. And now it's chill time for me. ✨✨

Hey hey. Don't be angry with me plish. I am really really really sorry for making you guys wait for so long. 🥺🥺

Now tell me how was the chapter. I hope you like the surprise. If u guys liked it then please do vote and comment.

So now allow your author Anwesha to leave.
Will be back with another chapter soon.
See u soon.
Tata. Bye bye.
Big hugs. 🤗🤗

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