~: Discussion :~

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It was the day when Pandavas along with other kingdoms are going to discuss various things about the war in Virat kingdom. Royal family of Panchal, Matsya, Chedi, Kuntibhoj, Kaashi, Manipur,Chief of Nagaclan, and Ghatotkach were also present there. They eagerly wanted to support Pandavas in the upcoming war. Now the kings and yuvrajas and princes of all these kingdoms along with Pandavas, upapandavas Krishna gathered in a common room to discuss about the upcoming war.

Krishna: Since everyone is present here so we should start the discussion. Esteemed kings and princes, I am obliged that you are willing to participate in the war from our side.

All kings: It's our pleasure Dwarkadhish.

Krishna: As you all know that this war is not only to give justice to Sakhi Draupadi but also to establish Dharma in Aryavart. This is going to be one of the biggest wars ever.

Yudhisthir: Yes we know that Vasudev.

Krishna: According to me we should send them a peace proposal at least once.

Bheem: Peace proposal? Why Vasudev? Can't we directly wage war?

King of Kashi: Vayuputra Bheem, this is just a formality. Am I right Dwarkadhish?

Krishna: Yes. You guessed it right.

Arjun: Then what should be the conditions to be stated in the peace proposal?

Nakul: I think we should ask them to give us Indraprastha back along with everything we lost in dyut.

Sahdev: What if they reject it? They will surely reject this offer.

Krishna: If not even this, then we will ask him to apologise to sakhi Draupadi and Pandavas.

Arjun: He will never do this.

Krishna: Then we will ask for just 5 villages for Pandavas to rule.

Bheem: That Duryodhan won't give us this much too.

Drupad: Vasudev, I don't think he will comply with any of the above stated offers. But still we can try. And if they don't agree with anyone of these then we can discuss the place and rules of war with them. But I think we should start making strategies of war directly.

Other kings: Yeah yeah. We should make strategies now only.

Krishna: Yeah. Maybe. But still we should at least wait and see whether they accept our peace proposal or not. If they accept it then war will not be necessary.

King of Virat: Dwarkadhish, I have a doubt. A few years ago Magadhraj Karn performed Digvijaya Yatra. He has support of many kingdoms. Will he participate in this war?

Yudhisthir: Yes Keshav. Even I want to know. We all know that he is no longer friend of Duryodhan. So he will not fight from his side. But will he fight for us if we ask him to?

Arjun: Yeah. Even I have the same question. Madhav? You have any idea?

Bheem: Why do we need that sootputra to fight for us? I agree Magadh has a very large army. And that will help us a lot. But why should we request him? I can easily defeat him and win Magadh. And this way we can have the army of Magadh. What do you say Jyeshth?

Yudhisthir: Bheem, apply a little bit brain and logic. He defeated the mighty jarasandh and conquered the whole Aryavart. Do you think it will be easy to defeat him? No. And moreover I don't want any other war. Already we have big war ahead.

Krishna: Don't worry. I will try to bring him to our side. But I can't can't assure you that I will be successful.

Drupad: Vasudev, if he doesn't agree then I will go and personally request him to participate in the war. His presence can ensure our victory. If Panduputra Arjun and he fights alongside then no-one can defeat us.

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