~: Illusions :~

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The Yuvraj of Magadh and the eldest pandava and with their sena were moving towards the main land of kurus speedily as planned by the commander-in-chief but anyone would believe that they are going to attack hastinapur but that was not the case. Soon after their departure the kauravas got the news and Bhishma started heading towards Hastinapur with his troops. And why not? His mother land is more important to him. And he can't give the responsibility of his kingdom's protection to anyone like that! Not like he got anyone from his side to protect his beloved motherland. But he was kind of disappointed that a king like yudhisthir didn't spare his birthplace too in this war.

Soon he reached the border of Hastinapur. And this time he was determined to capture yudhisthir and as per Duryodhan's order. Maybe after this the war might end. But bhishma has other intentions. His restless mind can't be at peace even if Yudhishthir becomes the king. Now his beloved Hastinapur for which he sacrificed do much can only be safe if it is handed over to the rightful heir. That is Karn, Suryaputra Karn. But he didn't know that a surprise was waiting for him at the border of Hastinapur. Or should we say the darkest forest near the borders of Hastinapur.

When bhishma reached there, the only thing he could see was a small unit of the soldiers. His experienced eyes could guess that the soldiers were hiding somebody behind them. But the sight he witnessed through the Durbin shocked him to the core. Behind the small unit of soldiers, Daksh was sitting on his beautiful white horse in all glory ready to pounce on his prey just like a lion. Yudhisthir was not present there.


Let us assume that Kurukshetra lies to the north-west of Hastinapur in present day North India which is separated by a forest which is kinda short cut between kurukshetra and Hastinapur. Now why didn't bhishma take the same route? Let us assume that they had to travel with a lot of soldiers and it would have been difficult if they took the forest route. Moreover it would require a lot of time to track down the perfect way towards hastinapur through the forest. So I made them use the usual path only which runs along the borders of the forest. I hope I could make you guys understand geographically and logically. Again I would say that I dont know what actually the geography was at the time of Mahabharata. And I also don't know if any such forest exists or not. You can say that I just assumed the existence of this forest for the sake of my story.


Bhishma was not able to make it how Yudhishthir left the border so soon. If he went to the war field following the same path by which they came here, then he had to cross Bhishma's army to return to kurukshetra but that didn't happen. Just then a wild thought striked his mind. He guesses it right. Yudhishthir went through the forest to return back to kurukshetra.

His brain didn't take much time to realise that it was their plan to distract them and bring them outside of Kurukshetra. But bhishma was confident enough that it won't even take half a prahar for him to destroy this army ami return back. And he did one mistake. He underestimated the war strategy of his own grandson whom he wants to see as the king of Hastinapur.

Bhishma: Soldiers, let's move forward. Vikarna, Durmukh, Dushkarna, the three of you will be leading the soldiers from Dakshin(South), Purv (east), Agneyi (south-east). Surround the soldiers of enemy. Fast. And destroy them. Then return back to kurukshetra. Meanwhile I will go and fulfill my promise.

Vikarna: Where are you going pitamah?

Bhishma: Towards the jungle. I am sure Yudhishthir ran away through the jungle route only.

Suddenly a voice came from behind the soldiers.

"Looks like Mahamahim of Hastinapur is in hurry??"

Bhishma and his army looked at the direction from where the voice came. Those who were present in the dyut sabha can guess whom the voice belongs to. And they were not wrong with their guesses. From behind the unit of enemy soldiers emerged a man, as radiant as the fire.

Durmukha: Yuvraj Daksh! Didn't know magadh too supports treachery in war!

Daksh: Well you should ask that question to your mamashree. He plays his tricks even at places where it's not required and look where it led all of us today.

Vikarna: How long do you think that you can stay alive with just 100 soldiers? A prahar? Or even less that that!

Daksh: Let's see. Oh for you information by the way, Maharaj Yudhishthir took the forest route. You can go and search for him. But Mahamahim, I challenge you for a duel.

Suddenly the maharathis and kaurava brothers started laughing. They are laughing at the foolishness of Yuvraj of Magadh.

Mahamahim: Yuvraj, I accept your duel. Durmukh, take your soldiers and head towards the forest. I can't leave since Yuvraj challenged me for a duel. So you go and find yudhishthir and bring him to me!

Durmukh: Pitamah, we can take him to kurukshetra directly. By that time you will also be done with this prince and his minions.

Mahamahim: Do as I say Durmukh. And never, I repeat never underestimate you opponent on the basis of their AGE, GENDER and CASTE. These thoughts can be deceiving sometimes.

Durmukh started his journey towards kurukshetra through the forest. And he is over confident that he would catch yudhishthir in no time. Moreover, looking at the army infront of him, he assumed that yudhisthir didn't take much security with him.

Here, Daksh and Bhishma stood facing each other. Two lions against each other. One who is old but still one of the best warriors of his time. And another who has just emerged as a maharathi and didn't fight much wars. But everyone knows about his powers. Can this young warrior fight Bhishma? Can he stand him at least, let alone stop him?


Here Durmukha and his soldiers entered the forest but they were confused. It looks like they lost their way. But how is it possible? This forest is very well known to the Kauravas as they used to come here often when they were kids. Obviously sneaking away from the so called watchful eyes of elders in the palace. They were marching for so long. Still he didn't find yudhisthir. His soldiers might not have noticed it but he felt that they were coming back to the same starting point. And when he realised it, he stood there dumb folded. But he knew that he had to take some quick decision as there is something wrong in this forest. He is sure of it.

Durmukha: Soldiers let's head back towards Hastinapur. We have to inform Mahamahim that yudhishthir was not here in the forest.

The soldiers followed soon. As soon as he tried to exit the forest a strong force pushed him and his soldiers behind stopping them from going back to hastinapur. All of them were now on ground. Some of them who were far behind were still standing. But they were too shocked to react. What actually happened just now? Was there someone playing tricks on them? If yes then who?


I know, I know so many days we r by. Sorry guys. I know this is really not acceptable. But I apologise again.

Hope you like the chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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