~: Peace Proposal :~

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Krishna went towards Hastinapur with the peace proposal of Pandavas. After a few days of journey he reached the heart of the kuru kingdom, Hastinapur. He was welcomed in a grand way. People were showering flower petals on him. Soon he reached the Raj Sabha and climbed the stairs. Royals of Hastinapur were standing there to welcome him. Maharani Gandhari did aarti of Krishna.

Krishna: Pranipat Maharaj, Maharani. Pranipat mahamaheem, mahamantri Pranipat. Yuvraj duryodhan, Gandhar Raj Pranipat.

Others also greeted him back.

Maharaj: Vasudev Welcome to Hastinapur. Come let's go inside. Please accept our hospitality.

Krishna: I am sorry Maharaj. But I can't stay here in the palace.

Shakuni: Are you trying to doubt the hospitality of Hastinapur Raj Sabha vasudev? Are you afraid that we might harm you in any way?

Krishna: Your intentions are very well reflected in your words Gandhar Raj. But I don't doubt you. Actually today I would like to spend the night and have my dinner at mahamantri Vidur's house. I hope you don't mind mahamantri Vidur.

Vidur: Not at all Vasudev. It would be my pleasure to serve you. Please come.

Krishna: I shall take my leave from here Maharaj. Meet you all tommorow at the Raj Sabha. There we shall negotiate for further issues and discuss about the peace proposal.

Krishna then went to Vidur's house.

Vidur's house

Vidur entered his house.

Vidur: Sulabha, Sulabha. Where are you?

Sulabha: Yes Arya. What happened?

Sulabha, wife of Vidur, soon came to the front door only to see a man with dark complexion wearing a yellow dhoti and red angvastra with peacock feathers on his crown standing there with her husband in all his glory. She immediately recognised the man as Vasudev Krishna.

Sulabha: Vasudev Krishna, you here? Come come inside. Welcome to our home.

Krishna: Thank you kaakishree Sulabha.

Sulabha: Arya why were you standing there with him doing nothing? You should have welcomed him inside no?

Vidur: We both came together from Raj bhavan right now. Prepare something better for dinner Sulabha. Vasudev will stay here with us tonight.

Sulabha: Sure. Vasudev, please be seated. I hope you feel at home.

Krishna: Kaakishree, you don't need to rush. I would have anything you make for me with your love.

Sulabha was too much happy to have krishna in her home. She immediately went to prepare something for all of them providing Krishna and Vidur a free space to talk.

Vidur: Vasudev, this war will only bring upon destruction. I am afraid but this may be downfall of whole kuru clan as well as the kingdom.

Krishna: Kakashi vidur, where something ends, a new thing begins. End is the start of everything. And this war, this war will surely be downfall of adharma, not kuru clan or kuru rashtra. As at the end Pandavas will surely establish Dharma on this land and rule here.

Vidur: You are right Vasudev. But the path of Dharma is full of thorns. It will be very tough.

Krishna: Yes. The path of Dharma is full of thorns and blood will be shed from the feet of those who walk on it. But parameshwar is always there to treat the wounds of those who shed their blood while walking on the path of Dharma. This war is not just a war Kakashi. This war is going to teach Kauravas as well as Pandavas the last and most important lesson of their life. Those lessons will help them to either lead their future life in right way, or clear all their misunderstandings before they leave this mortal world.

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